Clear today light haze in the afternoon.  IOP 8 finished up today and there is no futher IOPs are scheduled.  There is a weather system moving in late tomorrow thru Wednesday that is expected to bring rain initially on Sunday night followed by snow and colder temperatures to the valley.   Bill arrives late today and I leave tomorrow.

ISS1 – All systems running nominally at ISS1 again today.  Profiler status this morning: @ 0930 100m: 4.59A @ 50V & 1.833A @ 32V, and @0930 150m rass: 3.79A @ 50V & 1.882 A @ 32 V.  Some of the 6’ coaxial cables that run from the troughs to the 6-way splitters under the antennas may be frozen in snow and ice between the troughs and the antenna splitters.  However, these can be disconnected from the troughs so the troughs can be removed and brought to SWEX.  Planning on covering the antenna array with a tarp tomorrow morning with Bill to minimize impact of the incoming weather.

ISS2 – All systems nominal at the ISS2 site today.

ISFS – Went with Steve and Jacquie to the Deer Creek supersite in the morning.  Steve worked on the Lake Creek site in the afternoon (see ISFS blog for details).

Soundings – On our way to the 4:15 pm sounding today Jacquie and I ran in to Zhaoxia Pu, one of the PI’s from the University of Utah, at the sounding site.  We showed her the sounding system and assisted her and her husband with launching the afternoon sounding today.


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