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  1. Powered ON all instruments to verify operation.

    DSM 305 having a problem booting. Opened Radome and found there was no power being applied to any cards. Read the voltage at the input power cable and there was 115VAC but was shocked when handling the back shell of the MS connector. Opened up the back shell and found a loose wire and the connector was put together incorrectly. Not enough length on the ends to properly resolder the wires back to the connector so I chose to use short pig-tails and butt splices.

    This corrected the DSM power issue but the boot issue remains. The Serial to USB Adapter is still required to achieve a successful boot on DSM 305.

    AVAPS was reassembled with the new springs and ready for RF12. We ran short on time so the heating pads were not installed entirely and will not be activated during RF12.