Instructions to Incorporate Changes

  1.  Modify Grib2toMdv.wrf_rr_ncep param file to read APCP1Hr. You will need to change the following:

    param = "CICE",

to instead say

    param = "CIMIXR",

and you will have to add the following input item to output_fields:

    param = "APCP1Hr",
    level = "SFC",
    mdv_name = "APCP",
    units = NO_CHANGE,
    upper_range_limit = 100.0,
    lower_range_limit = 0,
    encoding_type = ENCODING_FLOAT32,
    qc_default_type = UNKNOWN_VALUE,
    qc_default_value = 0,
    vert_level_min = -1,
    vert_level_max = -1,
    vert_level_dz = 1

2. Modify the Hybrid2Pressure.wrf_rr_ncep param file to pass through APCP. Change this code:

include_input_field_names = {


include_input_field_names = {

3. Modify the createModelMetars.cip param file to read APCP instead of NCPCP. Change the following:

    ncpcp = "NCPCP1Hr"


    ncpcp = "APCP"

4. Modify the CipAlgo.wrf_rr_ncep param file to use blended metars again. Change the following:

metar_info = { "METAR", "mdv/metar_mapper", 7200, "CLD_BASE_HGT", "CLOUD_COVER", "DIST_TO_CC", "DIST_TO_ZL", "DIST_TO_ZR", "DIST_TO_I


metar_info = { "METAR", "mdv/metar_blend", 7200, "CLD_BASE_HGT", "CLOUD_COVER", "DIST_TO_CC", "DIST_TO_ZL", "DIST_TO_ZR", "DIST_TO_I

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