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  1. Unknown User (shane)

    Tuesday, September 5.  Shane working from hotel in Tonopah and Bruce remotely from Bishop, CA.  Mohammad returning to UC Davis today.  Winds are expected to increase from the south and we plan to resume REAL operations mid-day.

    Bruce started REAL at 20:19 UTC (1:19 PM PDT) today remotely.  Detecting backscatter to about 2 km range.

    I have noticed on days like this when the mean wind speed is light or moderate, the ground is sufficiently dry, and conditions are unstable, we tend to see small (isolated) bright aerosol features in the images that move with the wind. Sometimes they appear to have "short arms" and one can discern some rotation over a few frames.   My hypothesis is that these are subvisual dust devils.

    The following three time-series graphs show the last 24 hours (ending 4:17 PM) of air temperature, wind speed, and wind direction for 4 m (black) and 28 m (blue) heights on the tall tower.  Winds swung around from the east this morning and have settled to be from the SSE from 1.5 - 6.5 m/s.  

    5 September at 21:41 UTC: