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  1. rf03
    ADS AGunlock
    All Times Zulu

    2022 started data system
    2035 finished Tech preflight

    2157 engine start
    2209 taxi
    2215 takeoff

    2245 noticed that MIRRTMP_DPT has spikes every couple of minutes

    2249 lost satcom
    2250 noticed in all flights that the DSM temps for all DSMs have consistent spikes
    2255 DSM 325 Temp is reporting incorrectly, actually went out ~2235

    2322 satcom came back of its own volition
    0001 lost satcom again
    0111 satcom is back
    0146 lost satcom
    0150 found satcom

    0355 lost satcom
    0358 landing
    0402 got satcom back after landing
    0405 start data system shut down procedure