Activities for week of February 1, 2016

  • 5 Days PTO

Activities for week of February 8, 2016

  • 2 Days PTO
  • WRFHELP emails:
    • Answered question about generating be.dat
    • Answered question about text files (fort.###) generated by GEN_BE (Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics)
    • Resolved problem (user found solution) for compiling madis2littler. Very strange problem, probably something bad in user's environment. (Texas A&M)
    • Answered question about compilation problems (user was using Intel 14, which has lots of problems. Upgrading to Intel 15 solved it)
  • Had meeting with Dave, Laurie (HWRF), and Christina (HWRF) about transition to git
  • Regtest:
    • Continuing update of local regression tests (loblolly, visit-a05) to most recent version
  • Created WRFPLUS/4DVAR tests for WTF

Activities for week of February 15, 2016

  • Troubleshooting new WRFPLUS/4DVAR tests in WTF with Dave
  • Adding Netcdf4, HDF5, and hybrid tests to local machines (Linux, Mac)
  • Commits to the trunk:
    • Adding new necessary files to WRFDA depend.txt
  • Attended Release Committee meeting
  • Sent details about WRFDA internal compiler error to CISL

Activities for week of February 22, 2016

  • Jon upgraded my testing Mac machine to the new OS, revealed some problems with case-sensitivity that needed fixing
  • Found a problem in WRFDA/WRF for gfortran 5+; Dave applied fix
  • Commits to the trunk:
    • Updating "nrange" to have a larger value to allow for very big domains in GEN_BE and WRFDA
    • Found problems with case sensitivity in WRFDA builds on new Mac OS "El Capitan";
  • Another meeting about transition to git
    • Moving more stuff over from SVN repositories to new Git one; learning about svn-git syncing since HWRF may keep SVN repo
  • Contacted CISL help about getting HDF5 libraries to work properly for gfortran 5+
  • WRFDA regression test improvements:
    • Can now test hybrid jobs on local machines
    • Consolidating the locations of libraries such as HDF5, rttov, WRFPLUS to make running easier on different machines
    • Updated README for new linking of libraries/capabilities

Activities for week of February 29, 2016

  • Commits to the trunk:
    • Bug fix and cleanup for IASI BUFR read subroutine
  • WTF improvements:
    • Got WRFPLUS/4DVAR tests to run in serial as well as dmpar
    • Manually lowered WRFPLUS optimization to get compile times down to reasonable numbers for ifort
  • WRFDA regression test improvements:
    • Can now run smpar and dm+sm tests
  • Learning more about OpenMP in WRFDA/GEN_BE
  • Ran GEN_BE parallelism timing tests
  • Wrote up new configure script logic to allow separate selection of GEN_BE and WRFDA parallelism; will not commit this
  • Sent email to Xin Li about friendly release for final testing
  • Testing dual-resolution problems for gfortran; found bug, sent along to Jamie


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