Data Analysis Services Group - April 2014

News and Accomplishments

VAPOR Project

Project information is available at:

TG GIG PY6 Award:

XD Vis Award:

The Year 4 KISTI contract was signed and executed in April. The official period of performance will run through Dec. 15 of 2014. Work on two of the primary deliverables is well underway:

  • Most features of the isoline renderer (feature for vapor 2.4) were completed, and we reviewed its capabilities on 4/9, identified a few additional requirements.
  • Scott continued working on the CAM data reader. Most of the effort is focused on handling the pressure-based hybrid vertical coordinate system. Conversion from pressure to meters (required by VAPOR) is proving quite challenging. Scott has been getting help from Dennis Shea, and is now in the process of re-writing a 400-line  Fortran code into C.

KISTI Award:

3.x Development:

Development of 3.0 is in high gear now. We are meeting bi-weekly to sort out various implementation and design issues, and carrying out prototyping and development efforts. John has a working prototype of the low-level data compressor that will be used to support the VDC 3 data format. The data compressor is very general in its capabilities, and can be viewed simply as an extension to NetCDF for compressing/decompressing structured arrays. The prototype is currently reading and writing (compressing and decompressing) data, and is producing bit-identical results to the old code suite. The code will needed to be threaded, and documented before moving on to layering the VDC 3.0 API on top of it.

An error handling policy was agreed upon for logging and reporting errors in the VAPOR code base.


Education and Outreach:

John provided Loft with slides for Rich's talk at "UCAR Industry  Day".

Scott met and corresponded with Marijke Unger about composing a story for the CISL web page on last months VAPOR webinar.  She asked Scott to prepare material for the story, involving the backstory of the webinar, plans for future sessions, and images that could be used.  Scott wanted images that a layman could identify with so he composed images of Sandy.  Scott asked Janice Coen if we could use her Yarnell Hill fire simulation but she responded that it’s not ready for release yet.

Christina Bartlett-Whitcom,  Administrator of the NSF Multimedia Gallery, worked with Alan to prepare a Web exhibition of the images of Hurricane Sandy that Alan prepared with Mel Shapiro and others.   This exhibit is now live on the NSF site.

Scott and Alan attended the SEA seminar series from April 7-9, and partook in a full-day tutorial the Aleneia MPI Debugger on April 10

Software Research Projects

Shawn and John had a conf. call with Larry Frank, UCSD, to discuss a possible response to an NIH FOA on "big data". A re-spin of the NSF WASP proposal is being considered.

Production Visualization Services & Consulting

Pete Johnsen of Cray, working with Mel Shapiro, produced 36 hours of a new 500m WRF run for ERICA IOP4 (a severe Atlantic storm in January 1989) on Blue Waters.  We converted and visualized several variables from this data.


ASD Support

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Publications, Papers & Presentations


Yuk, J., Lee, S.H., Lee, J.W., Joh, M., An, J., Clyne, J., and Park, S.H. 3-Dimensional Scientific Visualization of Results of Numerical Atmospheric Models: GrIMs and MPAS-A, Journal of Supercomputing Information, Vol. 2, No. 1, April 2014, 30-35

Systems Projects

Data Services

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Accounting & Statistics

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Security & Administration

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System Monitoring

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System Support

ML - Data Analysis & Visualization Clusters

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GLADE Storage Cluster

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Data Transfer Cluster

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Experimental Clusters

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Test Clusters

Storage Usage Statistics



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