Please place action shots here. Don't be shy and get your colleagues to take photos of you with the system, aircraft, qc'ing .... It would be nice to have photos with students will be good for "education and outreach".


Dropsonde hunters: Liz Bernhardt (left) and Kyle Wislinski (right) recovering a failed fast dropsonde in a Nebraskan field after a test flight on 2019/07/31. 

2019/07/31: The recovered failed sonde - parachute is nowhere in sight. Good news - the dropsonde is intact and shall be reused. 

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1 Comment

  1. The OTREC Photo gallery is looking pretty anemic. This makes me sad. 

    Fortunately, Holger will be in the field with his camera so this is a friendly reminder to take action photos and think about what photo documentation is appropriate for AVAPS metadata and branding. By branding I am referring to the AVAPS webpages, posters and presentations, and future brochures.