Over the past week Andy and I have been surveying the University of Wisconsin temperature profiles. These are PVC pipes about 8' tall, with the last foot angled 45 degrees from the main pipe. Each is outfitted with six temperature probes sticking out perpendicular to the length, a temperature probe inserted in the ground nearby and connected by a cable, and a solar panel/arduino assembly. Here on some notes on what we shot and the nomenclature used.

  • Stored each MS location shoot as a different file on the internal memory of the theodolite. There are three files, UW Temps 1, UW Temps 2, and UW Temps 3
  • The GPS location of each of these shoots is stored in the file description. This location was determined with my cell phone GPS
  • For the initial conditions of each shoot (temperature, relative humidity, pressure) we used the live data from whatever ISFS sensors were closest to the MS location
  • All targets were shot with a height of 0m
  • For the orientation of the MS, we used the lowest CSAT3A (1.5m) and highest CSAT/CSAT3A (10m/20m) at the nearest tower to that survey location. For naming these points we used Steve's original naming scheme found on the page Initial theodolite survey
  • We also used the two power line points defined on the same page for each survey location
  • Once oriented we used the following convention (let it be known that the swale generally runs east-west)
    • There are profiles in the main swale as well as the smaller offshoot swale to the north. Therefore the first character is either m for main or n for north
    • The second character is a number. For each swale we started with 1 for the eastern most and counted up as we surveyed west. There are a few points where two sensors are across the swale from each other and effectively at the same longitude. In these situations we counted from north to south
    • The remaining characters are one of the following:
      • tt (tube top) - measured at the PVC pipe center at the very top of the 45 degree angled pipe
      • spt (solar panel top) - measured at the center of the top of the solar panel/arduino enclosure when the top of the PVC pipe was not visible
      • s1-s6 (sensor number) - measured at the approximate sensor height tube center. From many angles the radiation shield blocks the view of the sensor so we used the point at which the shield meets the tube. This is usually about a cm higher than the actual sensor.
  • We did not shoot each individual sensor as the drilling pattern for each profile seemed identical save for a couple exceptions which will be noted here. Instead we shot either tt or spt, then s6, s4 and the lowest sensor visible which was usually s3 or s2

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