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  1. 30Jan20

    Flight Tech: Richard

    ACCLIP-Test TF02

    Pre-flight Notes

    -No issues with A2D autocals. All offsets within 5 millivolts.

    -No comms with DSMRWO befor takeoff. Did not wake after multiple reboots. Had to pull DSM panel on right wing pylon and re-seat power connector for successful boot.

    -All data in aeros looks good pre-flight.

    -DSMRWO down at takeoff. Will recover on its own occasionally, but never remains in stable state for long. Rebooting from panel and ads rack have no reliable effect.

    Takeoff: 17:18

    Landing: 21:36

    Flight Notes

    17:48 - start of 1st descent down to 20,000ft.

    18:01 - start of 1st speed run

    18:00 - DSMRWO recovered on its own around 17:40 and remains operational. Rice appears to be giving good data.

    18:34 - start of second descent to 20,000ft

    18:49 - start of pitch changes

    19:10 - DSMRWO remained up through pitch changes at 20,000ft. Crashed and rebooted twice during ascent back to 40,100ft.

    19:40 - starting 2nd round of speed runs at 10,000ft.