Blog from May, 2022

Revive NR01.s9

Jacquie had noticed that the NR01 data here stopped this morning about 6am.  rs 7 showed no data (actually probably corrupt data) coming in.  Tried "si" to the mote, which crashed it, so had to resort to "pio 7 0/1", which brought everything back.

Ops 30 Apr.

Sunny smoggy day. The QC site data looked good, so Laura and I took the opportunity to go to S17 (Cuyama Peak) to get the second soil sample and measure the boom angle.  The normally locked forest service gate was open.  The road to the peak seemed unchanged (not worse or better - just long).  The site seemed to be in good condition.  We cleaned the NR01, got a soil sample under a bush close to the NR01.  We had to brush away about 1" of dry leave to expose the soil.  Soil was very sandy and seemed slightly moist.  Took the boom angle, and checked the tension on guy wires - all were tight, but one lock nut was a little lose.

Drove home past S1 and S3, and showed those to Laura

Ops 01 May

Sunny and smoggy like yesterday.
S11 had been off-line for about 36 hours (this site is often intermittent, but not usually  off-line for a continuous day.

At first glance, this is what was observed at S11:

Someone had stolen a single panel from the solar rack.  Also the power cable from the solar rack to the job box was missing, and the victron pigtail was cut (pulled from job box hole and cut). However the TRH fan and the R Pi were both running, suggesting the batteries were still fine and held plenty of change.  Unfortunately data collection did stop at 8:47 April 30th UTC.  This may have been do to power surge when the solar panel was cut, or something else, but the pi was still operating when we arrived and I could log into the console, but DSM was off.

We cycled the DSM power, cleaned the NR01, replaced the power cable.  The site is now up and running, but the batteries are only charged with a single solar panel ( should be plenty).  We also chained the job box to the tripod to help reduce the change of its removal, but chaining it makes it look more valuable - we will see.

Also showed Laura S9 and S10.