Initial look at data, haven't done any troubleshooting yet. Feel free to update.

s1OKno data (log errors that /dev/gps_pty0 does not exist)OKOKbad status b/c in box, haven't tried pulling them out yetOKOKOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negative (outside 0-50 qsoil range)OK
s2no USB bulkhead or USB patch cableno dataOKOKbad status b/c in boxno datano co2/h2o, irgadiag nonzeroOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s3no USB bulkhead, USB patch cable, will need washer to fit bulkhead to larger holeno dataOKOKbad status b/c in boxno datano dataOKOK (only pwrmon connected to battery for testing, remainder are staged but not powered)OKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s4OKno dataDisconnected to save bearing life0Kbad status b/c in boxno dataDisconnected to save bearing lifeOKno dataOKOKno dataOKqsoil negativeOK
s5OKno dataDisconnected to save bearing lifeOKbad status b/c in boxOKDisconnected to save bearing lifeOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s6could use a shorter USB patch cableno dataDisconnected to save bearing lifeOKbad status b/c in boxlots of nans, diagbits nonzeroDisconnected to save bearing lifeOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s7OKno dataDisconnected to save bearing lifeOKbad status b/c in boxOKDisconnected to save bearing lifeOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s8OKno dataDisconnected to save bearing lifeOKbad status b/c in boxOKDisconnected to save bearing lifeOKno dataOKOKtemps 2-3 deg above other tsoilsOKqsoil negativeOK
s9OKno dataDisconnected to save bearing lifeOKbad status b/c in boxnot yet stagedDisconnected to save bearing lifeOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s10OKno dataDisconnected to save bearing life0Kbad status b/c in boxnot yet stagedDisconnected to save bearing lifeOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s11OKno dataDisconnected to save bearing lifenot yet stagedbad status b/c in boxnot yet stagednot yet stagedOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s12OKno dataDisconnected to save bearing lifenot yet stagedbad status b/c in boxnot yet stagednot yet stagedOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s13OKno dataOKnot yet stagedbad status b/c in boxnot yet stagednot yet stagedOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s14OKno dataOKnot yet stagedbad status b/c in boxnot yet stagednot yet stagedOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s15no USB bulkhead, no USB patch cable, will need a washer to fit bulkhead to larger holeno dataOKOKbad status b/c in boxnot yet stagednot yet stagedOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s16OKno dataOK0Kbad status b/c in boxlots of nans, diagbits nonzeroh2o negative, co2 lower than others, otherwise okOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s17OKno dataOKOKbad status b/c in boxOKno co2/h2o, irgadiag nonzeroOKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
s18OKno dataOKOKbad status b/c in boxno u/v/w/tc, diagbits nonzerono co2/h2o, irgadiag nonzero, Tirga -105OKno dataOKOKOKOKqsoil negativeOK
  • No labels


  1. Qsoil being somewhat negative in air is normal.  They <should> respond when held in a hand or dunked in a cup of water.  (I did test one with my hand, and it worked.)

  2. Found that I had programmed the wrong gain for NR01 wetness sensors.  Now corrected for all but s9 (and those that haven't been staged).

    However, more than half wetness sensors are reporting about zero.  I hope this means that they aren't connected.

    1. The wetness sensors that are reporting incorrectly are all connected to old style NR01s(spacer style) with the triple stack board. Swapping wetness sensors does not change the fault.

      All spacer-less NR01s reporting correctly.

  3. Sorry, Dan.  I had determined the same thing last night.  Turns out that the old versions had an extra power enable switch for the wetness sensor that isn't turned on in the code that I loaded.  I've made the change and will program them later this week.

  4. Thanks, Steve! They'll be in your office.

  5. Reprogrammed all old NR01s (now v1.07) to correctly read the wetness sensor.  Even when I did that, s4 was 0 – found that the wetness sensor itself was bad (top surface corroded).  Replaced and now all NR01s are ok.

  6. These TRHs are all SHT85s with the factory "calibration" (really just a scaling factor).  A different set of SHT85s are in the cal lab.  Those now have gone through the oil bath, have been upgraded to software version 6.06, had the calibrations processed the old way using R, and have had their T cals loaded in.

  7. Found that the charger Dan had set up to test the Victron on s3 wasn't powering on.  Just rewired this, but since the battery is very low, the Victron currently isn't outputting enough to power the DSM.  I've left it connected, and hopefully the Victron will restart the DSM once the battery is charged.

  8. Reconnected s3 power to Victron, which is working (and pwrmon data coming in) for the moment.  Dan's latest wiring of a power supply to the "solar" input was able to charge the battery.  When it was at 12.70V, I used the bluetooth Victron app to change the output from "Battery Life" to "Always On", which then started providing power to s3.  However, I now (6 hours later) see that the Victron is reporting a battery voltage of 11.52V, so apparently the charging isn't keeping up.  We can expect this station to die again overnight.

    Yes, battery was down to 10.9V the next morning, and the Victron was turning s3 power on and off – probably not a good idea.  Found that the power supply being used only was capable of 200mA, which wouldn't be enough to keep the station going.  Changed the supply to one set to 24V and 3A output, which still is current limiting, but in about 3 hours brought the battery to 13.1V.  Restarted s3 yet again.  It has now been up for about an hour.  I'll check again before I leave to see if the current draw has dropped.

    3 hours later, still charging at 72W input, 5A charging.  If the battery had dropped to 80% (80Ah), that would mean 16 hours of charging to recover, and it has only had about 6 hours.  Hopefully, will become happy over the weekend.  Just to be safe, set the Victron load back to "Battery Life".

    1 day later (Sat, 8pm), power supply now only providing 0.6A@24V, or approximately the 13W that the DSM+sensors are using.  Thus, the battery must now be fully charged.  Whew!