Art provided a list of variables needed for ionospheric (and electrodynamic?) calculations to be added to the WACCM-X h5.model. Here is a list of the variables and ideas of where to access these variables in the current model:
  • Magnetic latitude and longitude: Apex coordinates used in WACCM. Variables called 'alatm' and 'alonm' in mo_apex.F90 module called in module iondrag.F90, Need to add these to the 'pbuf' physics buffer with pbuf_add subroutine.
  • Magnetic field components: Calculated in mo_apex.F90 module called in module iondrag.F90. B y is variable 'bnorth', B x is variable 'beast', B z is variable 'bdown', and summation of 3 components is variable 'bmag'. These are 2D variables but need to be expanded to 3D variables to include the vertical dimension
  • ExB/B 2 components(v): Calculated in exbdrift.F90 module which is called in iondrag.F90 module. v x is variable 'ue', v y is variable 've' and v z is variable 'we'. These are 2D variables and need to be expanded in the vertical to 3D. v z needs to be converted to interface levels('wei'). 2D 'ue', 've', and 'we' are stored in the 'pbuf' physics buffer.
  • Temperature and winds: T, U, V are in 'state' physics structure at midpoint vertical levels. W is in 'state' physics structure at midpoints named 'omega'. Need to convert to interface levels and add to 'state' structure ('omegai' or 'wi'?) and update each time step.
  • n(O),n(O 2),n(N 2),n(H),n(He): All but He in 'state' structure 'q' array. He not critical now so revisit later.
  • Chapman function radiation attenuation near terminator?
  • Scale height: Needs to be calculated and added to 'state' structure and update each time step
  • Gravity: Would prefer altitude dependent but revisit later
  • Geopotential altitude: In 'state' structure as 'zm' at midpoint and 'zi' at interface levels
  • Zenith angle: Cosine of zenith angle calculated in zenith.F90 module
  • Masses of molecules: 'const_mw' array in constituents.F90 module accessed through 'cnst_get_ind' subroutine
  • Masses of ions: Found ions of O,O 2,N,N 2,NO but not H and He in 'q' array of 'state' structure. Need to add H (and He later).
  • Ion production rates: Need to locate where production rates calculated, maybe near end of chemistry? To solve for transport due to ambipolar diffusion, we will use implicit solver. The production/loss terms form the RHS of the solver, which should help assuring numerical stability.
  • Solar spectrum and auroral spectra: Solar spectrum need to look at photochemistry to see where used. Probably in mo_aurora.F90 module accessed in iondrag.F90 module. (We will get a total production/loss rate, and don't need to get individually ion/electron production from solar photoionization or auroral production.)
  • Heating rates: Look in mo_waccm_hrates.F90 module?
  • Conduction coefficients at interface levels for n(O),n(N 2),n(O 2),n(H),n(He),T,[T e,n i, n e]: Molecular conductivity in 'state' structure calculated based on O 2, N 2, and O. (The heating rates and thermal conduction are needed for calculating the electron/ion temperature, which will be done before the transport.
  • Values at previous time of n(O +),n(H +),n(He +),T i,T e,[n(O 2+),n(NO +),...]: 'state' structure contains previous time step values until updated. Need to find where each updated but H + and He + are not present so H + needs to be added (He later).
  • Boltzmann constant: Use shr_const_mod variable is shr_const_kboltz
  • Electron number density: In 'state' structure variable 'q' state%q(i,k,id_elec). Units are cm^-3^?
  • Dip angle: calculated in iondrag_calc and needs to be put in physics buffer 'pbuf'
  • Neutral temperature: In 'state' structure variable 't' midpoints. Need to convert to interface like in diffusion_solver.F90 module
  • Electron temperature: set to neutral temperature at first step and calculate and update in energy routine
  • O,O 2,N 2 (and ions of these) number density: Convert from 'state' structure 'q' variable mmrs using 'invariants'?, mmr2vmr?, similar to what is done in mo_waccm_photo.F90 module
  • Pressure: In 'state' structure 'pmid' variable in Pascals
  • Constituent dependent gas constant: In 'state' structure 'rairv' variable


Where interface variables are needed and not currently available need to calculate and add 'i' to midpoint name

Dip angle is calculated from magnetic components (already done in iondrag_calc)

iondrag_calc subroutine from iondrag.F90 module called near end of 'tphysac' routine (tphysac.F90 module) which is called from 'physrun2' routine (physpkg.F90 module) for each chunk. 'physrun2' is called from 'cam_run2' routine (cam_comp.F90 module)

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Took a quick look and haven't found Chapman function calculation in WACCM. Have asked Dan Marsh. Wonder where this is treated in TIME-GCM.