Blog from December, 2010

12:30 - 12:45

Measured sonic height and boom angle.

height - 3.27m

boom - 78.0 (ss), 78.3(cg) magnetic (boom pointing west)

11:00 - 11:30

Station was down this morning. A power recycle started up the station.

Measurement of the sonic height from ground to pivot bolt is  85cm

Hiland3 DMS repiar

10:30 - 10:50

Reprogrammed router at base and installed. Would not work until a full power recycle on DSM.

Able to get into DSM via wifi and cell.

Router and cell units are #3

Hiland3 Visit

8:45 - 9:15am

Visited this site due to no transmission.  Found a fault light on charging system.  Unplugged everything from charging unit...this includes batteries.  It seemed to reset charger and dsm was back up.  The Verizon router was not syncing.  Could not talk to the dsm via wifi or cell modem.  Removed router and bringing back to base trailer to re-install settings.

Hiland3 & Eslope5

Hiland and Eslope off the air early this morning. Low battery voltage may be the reason.

Will take a set of fresh batteries to each site.

13:30 - 14:30, Dec 21

Replaced Tsoil probe.

Lowered mast to clean krypton, clean solar, and clean radiometer

trailer test: brought probe back to trailer and did a visual check.

There was no sign on moisture in the connector. Did a simple ice

bath test and the probe was reading high. Will take back to Boulder.

   twh (3/1/11): high-rate data indicate kh2o cleaned at 14:03

                           high-rate u,w suggest mast down 13:59 - 14:05, but light winds make this ambiguous

          (3/3/11): high-rate pressure data confirm 13:59 - 14:05

ABC2 New router


Replace router with a new unit with the correct configuration.

This was the original router at ABC which was removed earlier today


ABC2 DSM power issues

10:30 - 11:00

Since power was still low at 2 decided to change out the DSM. Before making the change we use

the meter to verify volatge readings. The result was we found a loose connector on the main

power cable going from the power switch to the power panel board. Everything looks ok now.

We also changed the the router since we could not communicate withe DSM via WIFI or cell.

According to Gordon we still need to make another change in the router firmware.

Snow removal at solar panels and radiometers.

Sonic Heights

Sonic Location

Height from Ground to mast bolt (cm)

Height of sonic from mast bolt (m)

Total height from ground to sonic





























wvally4 Visit

12:05 - 12:30pm

Sonic Angle = 85.8deg

Connected to ETI and noticed the temperature compensation was turned off.  Turned compensation on.

Cleaned off solar panels.

hiland3 Visit

11:16 - 11:36am

Mast height(sonic) = 68.9cm

Sonic Angle ?= 253.5deg.

Looked at Tsoil.  Seems to be reading high.  Noticed ground was snowy except over soil probes.  Everything seemed fine.  Will ask Joe to bury new probe.

Cleaned off solar panels and radiometers.  Covered in snow.

Battery Charging

I've put a battery charger in the Met Shed behind trailer.  The batteries are on the floor by the power panel and charger is on the desk.  There is currently six spare, charged batteries.

ABC2 Battery Swap

8:00 - 9:00am

Removed both batteries at site with new/charged ones.  Will be charging batteries in Met Shed behind trailer.

hiland3 Tsoil

The Tsoil at Hiland jumped ~10C at about 8:00 this morning. We will investigate.

STATUS Dec 20,2010

Status evaluated from 36 hour plots on Dec 20 08:00-9:00 MST
On site: Steve S and Chris

Summary: no Tsoil at W Slope main

Vdsm: ok, 11 - 13.5v, replace batteries at 2 this morning
Vmote.rad: ok, 12.4-13.1v
Vmote.soil: 12.1-13.2V

P: ok, 825 to 865 mb
Tbaro: ok, 1 to 13 degC
T: ok, -1 to 12 degC
RH: ok, 55 to 100%
Q: ok, 3.8 to 7.3 gm/kg
Rainr (3,4,6): ok, getting snow/rain this morning
Spd (1,6): ok, up to 12 m/s
Dir (1,6): ok, currently S

csat diag: ok, some spiking this morning
spd: ok, up to 10 m/s, spikes up to 30 m/s this morning
dir: ok
u'u': ok, generally < 4 (m/s)^2
v'v': ok, generally < 4 (m/s)^2
w'w': ok, generally < 3 (m/s)^2
u*: ok, up to 1 m/s
sigma_w/u*: ok, ~1.3

tc: ok, 0 to 10 deg C, spikes this morning
tc'tc': generally < 1 degC^2, ditto on spikes
w'tc': ok, -0.1 to 0.0 m/s degC

kh2oV: ok, 0 to 1.7, current values 0 due to snow/rain
kh2o'kh2o': ok, generally < 0.03, spikes throughout the period
w'kh2o': ok, -.01 to .03, jumps >-.2 to >.2 (m/s g/m^3) ok, up to 180 W/m^2 on 12/19
Rsw.out: ok, up to 30 W/m^2 on 12/19, negative values <-5 during night time
albedo: ok, .1 to .18
Rsw.dfs (1,7): ok, up to 150 W/m^2 on 12/19 (1,7): ok, up to 150 W/m^2 on 12/19 ok, 260 to 350 W/m^2 ok, -60 to 10 W/m^2 ok, -1 to 12 deg C (1,2,5): ok, -1 to 11.5 deg C

Rlw.out: ok, 310 to 350 W/m^2
Rpile.out: ok, -35 to 5 W/m^2
Tcase.out: ok, -1 to 12 deg C
Tdome.out (1,2,5): ok, -.05 to 12 deg C

soil.aux at E & W Slope (5,6)
Tsoil: ok, -0.0 to 6 C, sensor at 3 is questionable this morning
Qsoil: 15 to 36 %vol
Gsoil: -40 to 20 W/m^2, spiking this morning
Cvsoil: 5e5 to 3.8e6