Blog from December, 2010

wifi changes

During the site visits of Nov 30, Dec 1 I changed all the wifi configurations at the sites so that the SSIDs are visible. According to a Cisco web site I read, a hidden SSID offers no real added security.

I couldn't get the KDE network manager on Fedora to connect to hidden SSIDs (so its a linux thing...)

river7 winds okay

It was obvious yesterday that river7's winds were completely different from the other sites.  Our internal checks showed that diag and sigma_w/u* from this site were okay and reasonable.  I show corroborating evidence below from the MesoWest network that gap flow does occur at this site.  The time series of the MesoWest Riverton site (hopefully not our data!) shows exactly the same behavior in wind speed that we observe.

Qsoil and Cvsoil

So far, I haven't noticed much correlation between Qsoil and the TP01-derived heat capacity, except for one event at hiland3.  Presumably, the soil is still "healing" from the probe installation.  I'm pretty sure that I didn't pack the soil around the probes to the density of the undisturbed soil.  However, there has been a fair amount of precip, both liquid and frozen, since installation, so they should have healed a bit.

Unfortunately, temperatures are now cold, so the soils are close to freezing.  Tsoils are now in the range 0--2, though none have gone to below 0 yet.  When they do, we should start seeing Qsoil values drop as the water becomes invisible to the EC-5 sensors.  I suggest using the Qsoil values just prior to this drop as the actual soil moisture amount for the rest of the experiment, assuming that water in the soil is immobile once frozen.  This would ignore any melted snow that might penetrate the soil.