
The pmeop user manages the input data for the PME model and dust prediction systems.  It also is the owner of the web directory tree.

Crontab entries

# Get gfs4 files to set initial boundary conditions for the model run. Two methods are used - second method is backup if first method fails
10,40 * * * * /home/pmeop/datbin/ingest/ -m gfs4 >& /home/pmeop/datlog/get_gfs4.cron_output
30 4,10,16,22 * * * /home/pmeop/datbin/ingest/ 4 gfs4 >& /home/pmeop/datlog/get_gfs4.py_output

# Get raw madis observations
10,30,50 * * * * /home/pmeop/datbin/ingest/ >&! /home/pmeop/datlog/curl_madis.cron_output
# Decode the madis observations into a format for ingest into the model runs. 'lag' time is a look-back period to gather late-reporting observations
13,33,53 * * * * /home/pmeop/datbin/ingest/decoder/ >&! /home/pmeop/datlog/madis_decoder.cron_output
20,40,01 * * * * /home/pmeop/datbin/ingest/decoder/ lag 1 >&! /home/pmeop/datlog/madis_decoder_lag=1hr.cron_output
25,45,05 * * * * /home/pmeop/datbin/ingest/decoder/ lag 2 >&! /home/pmeop/datlog/madis_decoder_lag=2hr.cron_output

# Get raw NCAR pre-buffered observations
5,35 0,1,4,6,10,12,16,18,22 * * * /home/pmeop/datbin/ingest/get_ncepPreBufr.csh >&! /home/pmeop/datlog/ncep_prebufr.cron_output
# Decode the pre-buffered observations into a format for ingest into the model runs
5 5,11,17,23 * * * /home/pmeop/datbin/ingest/ >& /home/pmeop/datlog/

# Get raw NCEP/WMO observations
15,45 * * * * $HOME/datbin/ingest/ -params $HOME/datbin/params/getNcepObsFilesCurl.params.ops -runonce >& /dev/null
# Decode the NCEP observations into a format for ingest into the model runs
0,30 * * * * $HOME/datbin/ingest/ -p $HOME/datbin/params/ncepObsDecode.xml >& /dev/null

# Get satellite radiance for ingest into the model runs
55 * * * * /home/pmeop/datbin/ingest/ >& /home/pmeop/datlog/wget_satRadiance.log

# Get sea surface temperature for ingest into the model runs
50 22,23 * * * /home/pmeop/datbin/ingest/get_sst083.csh >& /home/pmeop/datlog/get_sst083.cron_output

# Copy pme obs from saudi-c2 and tar them after 7 days.  NOTE - these are not being ingested into the model run
0,15,30,45 * * * * /home/pmeop/datbin/ingest/ >& /home/pmeop/datlog/get_pmeobs.cron_output
15 23 * * * /home/pmeop/datbin/archive/ /home/pmeop/datbin/archive/pmeobs_tar.cfg >& /home/pmeop/datlog/pmeobs_tar.log

# Remove input data older than 6 days
10 0 * * *   /opt/bin/scrub 6 /d1/pmeop/datainput/gfs4 >& /dev/null
15 0 * * *   /opt/bin/scrub 6 /d1/pmeop/datainput/gfs3 >& /dev/null
20 0 * * *   /opt/bin/scrub 6 /d1/pmeop/datainput/madis-input-nc >& /dev/null
25 0 * * *   /opt/bin/scrub 6 /d1/pmeop/datainput/madis_decoded >& /dev/null
30 0 * * *   /opt/bin/scrub 6 /d1/pmeop/datainput/sat_radiance >& /dev/null
40 0 * * *   /opt/bin/scrub 6 /d1/pmeop/datainput/sst083 >& /dev/null
50 0 * * *   /opt/bin/scrub 6 /d1/pmeop/datainput_raw/ncep_prepbufr >& /dev/null
55 0 * * *   /opt/bin/scrub 6 /d1/pmeop/datainput/ncep_prepbufr_decoded >& /dev/null
30 0 * * * /opt/bin/scrub 6 /d1/pmeop/datainput/ncep_decoded >& /dev/null

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