Blog from December, 2018

Teardown Day 5

The rain that we had been racing occurred overnight, resulting in standing water in the fields.  We are very happy that we got everything out the day before!  Still cloudy, with occasional showers, and a tornado developed near Peoria late in the evening (after we were gone).

Finished teardown by noon – we amazed ourselves doing everything in 4.5 days!

  • finished packing the interior of the base trailer
  • prepped the base trailer for shipping.  The Trailer Transit driver arrived about 10:30 and left about 11:00.
  • Rented the Penske, packed up the storage locker in less than an hour and packed up stuff around the base in another 2 hours (with Clayton and John S.'s help – Bob had left in the morning)
  • Had to deal with a flat tire on the SODAR trailer

Since we were done early, we started driving the Penske home and made it to Kansas City.  Others planned to leave Sunday.