Blog from October, 2012

I just (~20:00 on Oct 11) typed the following to the nanobarometer:


that set the data rate to ~10sps and the output format back to what we used in RS232 mode.

There are settings to set FIR mode, but I don't have this documentation here to tell me how to make sure that it is used.

P.S. I remembered about an hour later that I put all the settings in the software wiki:

These settings have now (2108) been applied, and the barometer is reporting at ~14sps.

P.P.S.  About another 15min later, decided to test whether these settings are retained during power cycles.  Found that we needed to reinsert the init_string.  This has now been done on the DSM.

Video team here

Today, Alison was here with 2 people from PES Group to shoot video and interview us about ISFS and SCP.  I didn't get much else done this morning and early afternoon.

a8 trh cable swap

This morning, A8 was giving checksum errors.  This was running through a serial port through a cable stolen from A5 last week.  Just changed out this cable.


From about 0830-0840, cleaned:, Rlw.out,, Rsw.out, Li7000.2m, Li7000.1m


As per, the declination for the SCP site is: 8° 43' E.  We will use 8.7 in Vazimuth calculations.  I note that the solar panels (and rad stand) were oriented with the compass set to 12, so they are 3degrees off.  I also note that the GPS RMC messages are showing either 8.8 or 10.0 for this location.

Qsoil.c testing

There wasn't obvious damage to the above-ground part of Qsoil.c, but it isn't responding.  About 20min ago, I placed a spare Qsoil poking into the ground from above.  It is reading fine (at 10.76%), but reports as ID29, rather than ID2A of the previous probe, so it isn't being processed correctly.

A restart of dsm_server now finds the new Qsoil (S/N 012).

1505: Realized looking at the data that the old Qsoil (S/N 013) was working (perhaps when it warmed up a bit).  Have just reconnected it.  Also just buried new Qsoil off to the SW.  I'm not totally happy with its installation, but it should be close.  Thus, there are now 2 Qsoils (ID 2A, old and ID 29, new).  I'll let this go like this for another day, then make a decision as to whether to remove one, or to change the .xml to record data from both separately.

sonic diags

Just came back from A19, A18, and C (in that order), where I wiped a few drops off of transducers.  This seems to have lowered the level of diagbits being set.  After cleaning, I blocked the path with my hand for 10s (both to put a flag in the data and to cause the CSAT's software to lose any memory it might have of the wrong sonic signal.  (I don't think it does this in V3, but didn't think it would hurt.)

instrument status

Most of the instrumentation is working, however there are several issues:

1. The Picarro is now back at the factory being looked at after lightning damaged its serial port.

2. TRHs continue to fail sporadically across the network.  Most revive with a power cycle.  Recently, these outages have only been on I2C TRHs.  In all the recent cases that I can recall (and where I've visited the site), the fans were still running.  Today, A19.2m was brought back to life by replacing the head (but keeping the same SHT).  We've noticed hints of corrosion on the back (top) side of the Binder connector and sometimes on the fan control board.  I would <strongly> recommend potting both of these areas.

3. Tsoil.g still reads mostly garbage through the mote since the lightning strike killed the original Tsoil.g sensor.  The replacement probe that is in the ground reads fine in RS232 mode.  Changing the mote data reporting to 5s didn't help.  Thus, there must be a data format mismatch between the Tsoil and mote.  Steve and John are looking into this.  

4. Qsoil.c died at about midnight last night.  There are no obvious signs of damage above ground.  When it is the only sensor plugged into a mote, it reports na's.  When any other sensor is connected to the mote, even the na's disappear.

frost this morning

See subject at 0730.  Also thin "almost fog" (not quite reaching the ground).  Should burn off quickly.

0830: Frost completely melted -- now there is water on everything (hence some some diags are bad).  "Fog" has become haze.

a11 trh restarted

A11 lower TRH responded to tio 3 0/1.

a9 TRH restarted

A9 TRH upper responded to vio 4 0/1.

a8 TRH restarted

A8 upper TRH needed a eio 5 0/1 to restart.

A16 TRH restarted

Not sure how long this had been dead.  Responded to tio 3 0/1.

set sp=12 on both soil motes, that should restore reporting power every minute, that was increased when we changed the data rate to 1sample/5seconds.

M power

Since we don't have a monitor of Vdsm from M21 (M22 and A11 are power together and monitored by A11's Vdsm), we need to resort to manual measurements.

Today's reading was 12.54V