Blog from October, 2012

restarted TRHs

In running through status tonight (still working on it), have found several TRHs with stopped fans.  All have responded to control-R.  See Ifan for times.

work on 2 Oct

On site: Larry, Kurt, Steve, (at 6pm, Kurt left and Gordon arrived)

- re-installed many sensors on main tower:

* krypton at 15m

* licors at 1 and 2m (both needed power rewired from BNC connectors)

* sonic at 5m (has a serial cable, but appears to have been disabled)

* sonic at 2m (thought I was switching off serializer, but killed -- corrected about 6:30)

* all missing TRHs

* 5m nanobarometer (now in RS422 mode)

* etherant

* main power supply

A11: blown fuse on power supply had caused battery to drain and charge controller to turn off output.  Fixed (and swapped batteries with main, that wasn't so drained).

Added ground stake to OSU center tower.  Also replaced etherant.  (Turned out we shouldn't have...)

Tried to revive C 0.5m TRH by cycling power, but didn't fix.  Will replace tomorrow.

At about 6:30 added (new) M21 DSM and got back almost everything up to 5m.

nanobarometer fix

The nanobarometer RS232 interface died during the lightning event.  However, its RS422 port and the sensor itself is still alive.  Thus, I have just rewired it for RS422 and we should be able to configure the DSM interface to use RS422.  Note that it no longer appears to need prompting.  Also, the output format is slightly different -- we'll have to see if it can be parsed with the old format.