Blog from June, 2013

SOAS ISFS Status, June 10, 2013

Summary: 32m Licor out, but rebooted and seem to have come back to life.  Will replace (tomorrow) with a loaner that Licor is sending today.  Soilb is out due to low voltage.  Will replace all batteries at one time. 

Sonics: ok

TRH, P:  ok

Wind speed & direction: ok

Soil, Rainr: Tsoil.4.4cm bad, may add additional Tsoil to replace this unit.

Vmote.(rad,a,b):  ~12.4V, 11.7V, <9.0V

Radiation, Wetness: ok

h2o, co2: 32m Licor sick. kh2oV.(2m, 13.9m) ~ 0.18, 0.24 V  (rain overnight with new horizontal orientation)

System (GPS, Vdsm): ok 

Andrew told us today that the 3kVA transformer blew it's surge fuse last night. He did some swapping of which instrument was tied to that leg and things seem to be fine now.

20m CSAT

Here's a snippet of hex data from the 20m CSAT while it was misbehaving. Basically a sample or two are mangled:

2013 06 08 16:01:35.1633  0.0489      12 e2 fb 5f 02 dc 05 55 1d f3 0f 55 aa 
2013 06 08 16:01:35.2196 0.05629      14 48 fc 44 02 fd 09 2a 32 e4 d5 64 0f 55 aa 
2013 06 08 16:01:35.3650  0.1454      23 a9 fb 2f 02 ec 05 52 ff aa a5 ff 71 fb 35 02 bd 05 5f 1d f8 0f 55 aa 
2013 06 08 16:01:35.4635 0.09851      12 c9 fb 16 02 d7 05 64 1d f9 0f 55 aa 
2013 06 08 16:01:35.5134 0.04988      12 f7 fb 35 02 f9 05 59 1d fa 0f 55 aa 

June 8 ~ 12:30 CDT - Chris oriented the krypton sensor heads horizontal to hopefully accelerated drying after rain.  They are below the boom and immediately behind the sonic head.

Licor 7500 at 32m

Licor at 32m stopped reporting again this morning.

Power cycling didn't help:

ssh mid
eio 9 0
eio 9 1

Also tried minicom, sending a BREAK (ctrl-A F) and the Outputs command. No response.

Here's the LICOR 7500 configuration for SOASl, output at 20 Hz, bandwidth 20Hz:

(Outputs (BW 20) (RS232 (Freq 20.0)  (Baud 19200) (EOL "0A") (Labels FALSE) (DiagRec FALSE) (Ndx FALSE) (Aux FALSE) (Cooler FALSE) (CO2Raw TRUE) (CO2D TRUE) (H2ORaw TRUE) (H2OD TRUE) (Temp  TRUE) (Pres TRUE) (DiagVal TRUE)))
(Outputs ?)
Daily status, June 9

SOAS ISFS Status, June 9, 2013

Summary: 32m Licor out; 20m sonic looks okay after 01:00 last night.  Soil.a okay except for Tsoil.4.4cm.a

Sonics: ok; 20m sonic now looks okay

TRH, P, p: Ifan.8m=0; restarted at 9:23 CDT

Wind speed & direction: ok

Soil, Rainr: soil.a mote as been working since Chris gave it love yesterday, however Tsoil.4.4cm now bad.

        Vmote.(rad,a,b) ~12.5, 19.9, 11.4 V.

Radiation, Wetness: ok

h2o, co2: 32m Licor not reporting.  kh2oV.(3m, 13.9m) ~ 0.37, 0.33 V  

System (GPS, Vdsm): ok 

June 8, 9:23 - Ifan.8m = 0, recycled power on TRH.8m to start fan

20m sonic is suspect

June 8: 2:40 - Note that the 20m sonic has anomolously high temperature variance and ldiag since ~ 20:00 June 7.

June 8: Chris recycled power on the 20m mote, but it appears to have already started itself around 10:15 CDT.

June 8, 10:45 - dried 2m kh2o with handkerchief.  kh2oV = 0.28V

~11:50 - Chris cleaned krypton hygrometers

June 8, 10:37 - Recycled power on soil.a mote.  It began collecting data, but apparently not transmitting data successfully to the DSM,

Daily status, June 8

SOAS ISFS Status, June 8, 2013

Summary: 32m Licor out; soil.a and 20m motes not reporting.

Sonics: ok

TRH, P, p: P.8m intermittent yesterday (during rain?)

Wind speed & direction: ok

Soil, Rainr: tb.pond not reporting; soil.a not reporting

        Vmote.(rad,a,b) ~12.7, NA, 11.7 V.

Radiation, Wetness: Rpar.20m, Wetness.20m, Tsfc.20m not reporting (20m mote stopped at 00:25 CDT June 8) 

                    SPN1 not reporting (on soil.a)

h2o, co2: 32m Licor not reporting.  kryptons still wet, kh2oV < 1mv

System (GPS, Vdsm): ok 

June7 10:50 - Replaced soil.a mote battery.

         11:55 - Replaced radiation stand battery.

Daily status, June 7

SOAS ISFS Status, June 7, 2013

32m Licor is still down.  We will remove it from the tower for trouble-shooting in the base.  Options are: (1) receive loaner from Licor, (2) replace with 20m Licor and add krypton hygrometer at 20m.  There is a spare sonic with a serializer (SN 0537) in the base.

Rain last night and foggy this morning.  More rain likely today.  Everything very wet.

Sonics: 13.9m and 32m sonics still wet and not working yet.

TRH, P, p: TRH at pond not reporting; P okay.

Wind speed & direction: See sonic report; pond U,V okay.

Soil, Rainr: tb.pond not reporting

        Vmote.(rad,a,b) ~ 5.9, 9.1, 11.9 V.

Radiation, Wetness: Tsfc.32m not seen on cockpit, but okay.  

                    Tsfc.8m intemittent over past 24 hours.

h2o, co2: 32m Licor not reporting.  kryptons still wet.

System (GPS, Vdsm): ok 

WXT rain

The rain value from the wxt has been a constant zero:

The current output message looks like so:

I rserial'd in and displayed the current precip configuration with the "0RU cr lf" command:


Switched it from M=C to M=T:

0RU,M=T ctrl-M ctrl-J

From the manual, there is an indication that tipping bucket mode may loose some resolution:

M=Autosend mode
  C = tipping bucket: The transmitter sends a
      precipitation message at each unit increment (0.1
      mm/0.01 in). This simulates conventional tipping
      bucket method.
  T = time based: Transmitter sends a precipitation
      message in the intervals defined in the [I] field.
However, in polled protocols the autosend mode
tipping bucket should not be used as in it the
resolution of the output is decreased (quantized to
tipping bucket tips).

After the above change the wxt is now showing non-zero rain counts.

Jun 9 3 pm
Changed reporting interval to 10 seconds in case it improves the resolution.


However the wxt reports rain with .01 mm precision, so accumulating over 10 seconds may not be necessary and it could be changed back to a 1 second reporting interval. I plan to leave it in this mode until the next rain event.