Blog from July, 2013

Tsfc.8m down

12:45 - Tsfc.8m went down at ~11:00am. I may have disturbed the cabling when I came down the tower.

We will check after lunch.

UPDATE:  sensor back up around ~3:00pm.

tower work

At tower mostly to take LAI profie since mostly overcast.

0958 - Oncley cleaned 2m kh2o

1010 - Semmer starts ascent

1015 - Oncley soilb sample 

1020 - Semmer first LAI reading at 40m

1025 - Oncley soila sample

1029 - Oncley unplug rain gauge drain (tube was mostly open, so data should have been okay)

1040 - Semmer clean 14m krypton

1048 - Semmer down

SOAS ISFS Status July 3

Weather: Overcast, potential rain throughout the day

Summary: Everybody up and running. Rain event last night at 1:00 AM.

Sonics: ok, some IDAIG during the rain

TRH, P: ok

Wind Speed & Dir: ok

Soil, Rainr: ok, rain activity at 1:00 am, tsoila.4.4cm down

Vmote (rad, a, a2, b): 12.8, 12.7, 12.9, 12.2

Radiation, Wetness: ok

H2O, CO2: ok, wet kryptons drying out

System (GPS, Vdsm): ok

Pond: ok

Weather: Clear skies in Tuscaloosa


Sonics: ok

TRH, P: ok

Wind Speed & Dir: ok

Soil, Rainr: ok, OTT event at 4:00 am, Tsoila.4.4cm down, early morning outages on Qsoil.b

Vmote (rad, a, a2, b): 12.8, 12.9, 12.8, 12.4

Radiation, Wetness: ok

H2O, CO2: 38m CE150 is acting up, started at ~1:30 am this morning

System (GPS, Vdsm): ok

Pond: ok

Duff Tsoil Probe

15:45 - Steve O. added a tsoil probe in the duff at soila2. This probe is one of our single temperature probes even though the

output message is similar to a 4 channel probe.

Oncley adds: The duff wasn't too thick here -- perhaps 1.5cm of needles and a few leaves.  It isn't too dense, so the probe is mostly measuring air temp (interstitial in the duff).  At the moment, it is reading about about 0.5 C higher than 0.6cm, which is at least the right direction.

TP01 question

In looking at TP01 data for the project, I see that Vheat is rock solid for soil.b, but varies by 6mV for soil.a  This isn't huge, and is measured, so it shouldn't be a problem in the data.  However, it is acting as though there is variable resistance on the heater cable for soil.a.  We should test this probe in post-cals and/or check the Binder connector.

The Tau63 values also have events.  soil.a sometimes changes from ~6.5s to ~10.5s (loosely associated with rain events).  soil.b has a couple of spikes from ~8 to ~4.5 (no relation to rain).  These are more than isolated events (especially for a).

?P.S. at about 1540 on 1 Jul, I did unplug and plug in the soil.a TP01 Binder.  There wasn't anything obvious wrong.  I'll try to remember to monitor it over the next few days to see if Vheat settles down.

SOAS ISFS Status July 1

Weather: A few clouds this morning

Summary: everything looks good. A rain event from 7:00pm to 11:00pm last night,. There was also a morning event

around 7:30am.

Sonics: ok

TRH, P: ok

Wind Speed & Dir: ok

Soil, Rainr: soila2 down ~9:00pm to ~0:00 pm (includes rad.wetness), tsoila.4.4cm bad

Vmote (rad, a, a2, b): 12.9, 12.8, 12.9, 12.5

Radiation, Wetness: ok

H2O, CO2: ok

System (GPS, Vdsm): ok

Pond: ok