
During my visit to NCAR, I have been working on some notes that aim to document, in a pedagogical manner, some of the mixing schemes we hope to include in CVMix code.  I will continue working on these notes rather intensely during the final days of my time in Boulder (I leave 15Aug).  Nonetheless, they are ready for input, comments, critiques. I have included names on the author-list for all the CVMix players as they are today, though more are certainly to be added in time.  I am the sole person responsible for mistakes included inside the notes as they appear today.  

I hope that others will soon contribute LaTeX documentation to these notes. Additionally, we should consider how to version control the document, as I believe users of CVMix code will wish to read the material.  One option is to include a tar-ball of the source and figures in a /doc directory in CVMix repository.  

This document is not a software design doc in the sense that MPAS has for its software projects.  But it certainly should help lead towards such. 

One "trivial" request is that someone in this group find an iconic image for the cover to associate with the project.  I have in mind a beautiful image from a boundary layer LES.  Or if available, something compelling from observations.  The present image is a mere schematic that is broader than we need, but useful as a placeholder.   



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  1. Hi,

    I have updated the tutorial notes with revisions made to the following sections:

    Section 2.2: revised the discussion of how to check for vertical gravitational stability, with some recommendations made for usage in MOM, POP, and MPAS. 

    Section 3.2: corrected the parameter settings for the Bryan-Lewis diffusivity used in GFDL-CM2.1 model, and updated Figure 3.1. 

    Section 7.5.5: updated discussion of bulk Richardson number calculation, with recommendations for how to compute the gravitational stability over the boundary layer.

    I will not be touching these notes for a few weeks as I transition back to Princeton and then take holiday time in Spain.  But please send feedback of any sort if you have any.  

    Note that in addition to continuing to update these notes on the physics, and some numerics, I hope to provide some guidance to the software with summaries of the in/out information that each physics package should have.  That work will greatly help particularly as we start coding more nontrivial schemes such as KPP.  



  2. I attach here a tar-ball of the LaTeX source, figures, etc for the tutorial.  This in case anyone wishes to make changes...
