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  • Since we will be climbing all towers, check guy tensions on all towers
    • Tensiometer and climbing equipment is all in the barrel. Make sure the barrel is accessible (I don't think this will be a problem this visit)
    • Keep to paths to minimize impact on snow inside triangle. Make sure we bring map + leave in barrel.
  • Replace apogee cables on all towers.
    • Use rs during switch to make sure it's reporting same values before and after cable swap.
    • Try to make sure popsicle sticks/cable connections aren't horizontal, so they can shed water better.
    • Tape over both ends of popsicle sticks, esp on UW
    • Spare IR popsicle stick to user spares at RMBL
    • If we need zip ties, grab from RMBL storage (don't think there are many/any at site)
    • can check if there's currently water in bender connectors when replacing cables
  • Snow pillow #3 software update: are we still trying to do this, now that we know it doesn't completely solve the pillow dying issue? Yes
    • instructions in documentation
    • Dongle cable: plug power in to pi - connector on serial front panel, or in bank1
    • On pillow box, open four screws on box lid (breaking warranty), plug dongle right into board rather than through sd1 connection (unplug bulkhead inside box?)
    • Can also do visual inspection of connectors inside the box
  • Troubleshoot Ethan's lidar pis
    • pi 4, which has never connected: try replacing sd card with the sd card from pi 8. If that doesn't work, replace the whole thing with pi 8
    • pi 1, which was connected until recently: try power cycling via unplugging/replugging the power cable. If that doesn't bring it back, try replacing sd card with the one from pi 7. If that doesn't work, replace the whole thing with pi 7.
    • Should we plan to log in to the cradlepoint on site to see if pis have connected, or can this be done remotely? If we're going to log in onsite, does it make sense to bring wstar out? Would be annoying to try logging in to the cradlepoint interface from a phone (if it's even possible..?)
    • pi 4 is on UW, which tower is pi 1 on?
  • 5m.c sonic troubleshooting
    • try replacing the EC100 box first, then if still bad try replacing the csat/ec150 heads. Before taking box off check lights in it/check power connection
    • were we going to try adding the updated cassette mount???


  • copy of site paths walking map
  • apogee cabling
  • spare popsicle stick for apogees (to RMBL)
  • (if trying snow pillow software upgrade) callab windows laptop, dongle to go between laptop and snow pillow, usb stick with firmware upgrade, documentation. need extension cord for power
  • two spare pis in enclosures from Ethan
  • polk to haul ec150/csats in cases
  • truck: make sure we have chains, bring a full sized shovel just in case