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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

August 4 21:50 CDT
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on-site, Russ and Dan restarted the south wind cube around 16:45-17:00;
night: NE to E flow, partly to mostly cloudy skies, thunderstorm passage around 11:30-14:00, E to ENE winds through the evening
**watch krypton voltage for tomorrow, after rainstorm voltage remains zero at sites 2 & 4

Vdsm: 13.4-13.7 V during day, down to 12.4 at night
P: ok, pressure rising 2 mb during the night through early afternoon, falling back 2mb from heavy thunderstorm and remaining steady after that
2m: night: stn 1 & 3 slightly warmer than stn 4, about 0.7-1.0 degrees C warmer than stn 2 much of the night; late afternoon stn 4 is slightly lower than other sites
RH.2m: stn 4 about 7%RH higher than stn 1 & 3 only a few%RH higher than stn 2; daytime stn 4 about 5%RH higher than other sites
H2O.2m: night:  stn 4 about 0.5-0.7 g/m^3 higher than at other sites much of the night, stn 2 slightly drier than other sites around midnight and 3:00; stn 4 about 0.7 g/kg more moist than other sites during the day

Wetness: slight dew from 2:00-3:00 then dry until 11:30 with thunderstorm and shower activity keeping sensor wet until 19:00 

T.10m: ok, similar to pattern at T.2m during the night, stns within +/- 0.25 degrees C during the day
RH.10m: stn 2 about same as other sites from 19:00-0:00 then after 3:00 and continuing into the daytime stn2 about 7-10%RH lower than other sites; stn 3 slightly higher than stns 1 & 4 most of the night, stn 1 few%RH lower than sites 3 & 4 during the afternoon
H2O.10m: night: stn 4 about 0.7 g/m^3 wetter than other sites, stn 2 slightly drier than stns 3 & 4 from 23:00-0:00 and from 2:30-4:00; day:  stn 4 about 0.7-1.0 g/m^3 more moist than other sites
Spd.10m: ok, from 19:00-midnight stn 1 about 0.7-1.0 m/s higher than stns 3 & 4, 1.0-1.5 m/s higher than stn 2,  similar but less strong pattern until 4:30; good daytime agreement 
Dir.10m: ok, mostly NE during the night to ENE by sunrise, E winds much of the morning and afternoon (except during rain period around 1:00-2:30...veering to S and back to E), ENE winds in the evening

T.10m - T.2m: night: all stns have similar thermal gradients within 0.5 degrees C of the others, early morning stn3 slightly warmer at 2m vs. 10 m, closer agreement in afternoon-evening
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: stns 1 & 3 mostly agree, stn 2 about 1.0-1.5 g/m^3 drier at 10 m vs. 2 m much of the night and about a 2.0 g/m^3 difference during the daytime; stn 4 about 0.7-1.0 g/m^3 drier at 10m vs. 2m during the night and daytime

spd.4.5m: ok, similar for Spd.10m
dir.4.5m: ok, see comments for Dir.10m, slightly more NNE wind at stn 3 during the 20:00-1:00, then a bit more veering (~E) at stns 2 & 3 than the other sites until sunrise
w.4.5m: ok, slightly more w>0 at stn 3 and stn 2 vs. near zero for stn 4 and w<0 for stn 1 during the first part of the night up until 2:00
tc.4.5m: ok, see comments for T.2m, stn 2 about 1.0-1.5 degrees C cooler than other sites from 2:00-4:00
ldiag: about 500 missing samples from stns 1 & 3 during rain storm, less samples lost at stn 4 during the same period

kh2oV: ok over night and through late morning (btwn 400-600 mV), afternoon and evening, no voltage response from wet sensors 
kh2o: night: stns 2 & 4 close to stn 1, day: stns 2 & 4 about 0.5-1.0 g/m^3 drier than stn 1; poor response during/after rain storm 
h2o(licor): ok, stn 1 about 0.7 g/m^3 drier than stn 3 from much of the night; stn 1 about <0.5 g/m^3 drier than stn 3 in the morning period; rain muddles differences the rest of the afternoon
lidiag (licor): expected spikes in the data during/after rain event

TKE.4.5m: ok, stn 1 about 0.1 units higher than stns 3 & 4 and 0.15 units higher than stn 2 from 20:00-0:00 and from 2:00-4:00
w'w': ok, similar to TKE.4.5m, also in u'u' and v'v'
u*: ok, stn 1 higher u* by ~0.10-0.15- m/s than at stn 2, other sites about 0.05-0.1 m/s less than stn 1 for similar periods noted in TKE.4.5m, also seen in u'w' and v'w'
w'tc': ok, night: stn 1 about 0.02 to 0.03 m/s C larger negative flux than stn 2, other sites in between 1 & 2, close daytime agreement except during rain-spikes
tc'tc': ok,, stn 1 higher variance than other sites from 23:00-1:30 and from 2:00-4:00, about 0.04-0.10 C^2 more than at stn 2, close daytime agreement except during/after rain event
w'h2o': ok, slightly higher positive flux at stn 1 & 3 vs. site 4 about 0.006 g/m^2/s higher at stn 1 than at Site 2
h2o'h2o' (licor): ok, , few spikes at stn 3 during night, close agreement before rain storm and again in late afternoon
kh2o'kh2o': stn 2 slightly lower than other sites during the night before 1:00; stns 2 & 4 slightly higher than 1 & 3 from 5:00-7:00, anomalous readings from the rain event are continuing through early evening
w'co2': ok, night: more positive flux at stn 1 vs. stn 3, from 20:00-midnight, rest of night and daytime before the rain: close agreement
co2'co2': ok, few spikes in overnight, stn 1 sightly higher than at stn 3 from 21:00-1:00, more rain-induced spikes in the afternoon