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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

August 9, 16:08
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, Kris, Russ and Dan on site to service the wind cubes and check the bug screens for the 2mTRH inlets
mostly sunny to partly cloudy conditions much of the period
winds breezy out of the W or WNW through the afternoon, mostly cloudy by evening as another cold frontal passage is expected 

**The turbine in between ncar1 & ncar2 and the turbine in between the north and south wind cube were offline much of today as two separate crews were servicing the turbines.  Return start up time 'likely' after 15:00

Vdsm: 13.4-13.7 V during day, down to 12.4 at night
P: ok, pressure steady in the overnight, rising in the morning by 3 mb and beginning to fall around 13:00 by about 1-2 mb through the end of the afternoon
T.2m: stn4 about 1.0-1.5 degrees cooler than other sites from 0:00-3:00, stns 2-4 about 1.0-1.5 degrees C cooler than stn 1 from 2:00-3:30; near sunrise stn 1 about 0.5 degrees C warmer than other sites; good daytime agreement
RH.2m: night: stn 4 about 2-5%RH higher than other sites both day and night; stn2 also about 1-2%RH higher than stns 1 & 3 for much of the night;
H2O.2m: night: similar pattern as in T.2m stn 4 lower than stn1 from 0:30-3:00; daytime: stn 4 about 0.5 g/m^3 higher than at other sites
Wetness: dew formation from 20:00 to 7:30, sensor dry by 9:45
** seemed to be more dew on north side than south side of the field when walking the access paths to the wind cubes and ncar stations

T.10m: ok, stn 4 about 0.7 degrees C cooler than stn 3 from 23:00 to 1:30, stn 1 about 0.7 degrees C warmer than stn 4 from 1:30 to 4:30 and from 5:00-7:00; good daytime agreement
RH.10m: stn 2 about 7-10%RH lower than other sites at night and through early morning, stn 1 a bit lower than stns 3-4 for much of the night day: agreement in all sites by 9:00, stn4 slightly lower RH in the mid-late afternoon
H2O.10m: night: stn 2 about 1.0-1.5 g/m^3 drier than other sites, day: stn 2 about 0.5 g/m^3 drier than other sites until 9:00, stn 4 few%RH lower than other sites
Spd.10m: ok, stn4 a bit lower than other sites from 0:00 to 3:00, from 2:30 to 7:30 stn 1 about 1.0-1.5 m/s higher than stn 2; Sites 3 & 4 in between; good daytime agreement
Dir.10m: ok, W winds backing to SW by 22:00, then veering to W by midnight; by sunrise winds veering to WNW and slight NW; much of day winds from WNW 

T.10m - T.2m: night: stn4 about 0.7-1.0 degrees C slightly warmer at 10 m vs. 2 m from 0:00-2:30, stns 1 & 3 coolest during that period, stn1 also slightly cooler than stn 4 during 5:30-7:30
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: stns 1 & 3 mostly agree for day and night, stn 2 about 1.0-1.5 g/m^3 drier at 10 m vs. 2 m much of the night and up through 9:00, close agreement with stns 1 & 3 after that; stn 4 about 0.5 g/m^3 drier at 10m vs. 2m during the night and about 1.0 g/m^3 drier at 10m vs. 2m during the day

spd.4.5m: ok, similar for Spd.10m, 
dir.4.5m: ok, see comments for Dir.10m
w.4.5m: ok, most of the night highest w>0 at Site 3 vs. highest negative w<0 at stn 4, similar pattern in mid morning then stn 1 & 3 are more negative in afternoon and stns 2 & 4 are slightly positive
tc.4.5m: ok, similar pattern to t.2m., stns 3 & 4 slightly warmer than stns 1 & 2 for early to mid afternoon
ldiag: ok

kh2oV: ok, near 300-400 mV in the daytime, dew formation causing poor voltage response from 1:00 to 7:00
kh2o: night: stns 2&4 about 3-4 g/m^3 wetter than stns 1 & 3; long period of high anomalous readings indicative of dew present; day: stn4 about 1.5 g/m^3 wetter than stn 2 and about 5.0 g/m^3 more moist than stns 1 & 3
h2o(licor): ok, stn 1 about 0.5 g/m^3 drier than stn 3 from much of the night; fields disrupted by rain from 3:00 to 10:00; close agreement by 11:00
lidiag (licor): ok, spikes during period of dew accumulation

TKE.4.5m: ok, sites in good agreement except from 3:30-6:00, stn 1 about 0.15-0.2 m^2/s^2 greater than other sites
w'w': ok, similar to TKE.4.5m, also close agreement with u'u' and v'v'
u*: ok, similar to TKE.4.5m from 3:30-6:00, also stn 3 and 2 a bit higher TKE than stns 1& 4 from 23:00-1:00, also v'w' similar to u*
w'tc': ok, night: larger negative heat flux at stns 2-3 as in u*; stns1-4 also larger negative flux than other sites; good daytime agreement
tc'tc': ok, similar effects noted as in w'tc' from 0:00-2:30; higher variance at stn2 & 4 vs. 1 & 3 from 4:30-7:00; daytime: good agreement
w'h2o': ok, all sensors show anomalous readings from condensation effects, stn2 has longest night period of dew accumulation (vapor flux < 0), other sites near zero flux; daytime flux at stns 1&3 a bit higher than at stns 2 & 4
h2o'h2o' (licor): ok, several spikes in data during the night; close agreement with other sites after 5:30-6:00
kh2o'kh2o': night: spikes in the data until a general agreement with the other sites by 5:30-6:00
w'co2': ok, night: greater fluctuations at stn 3 vs. stn 1, from 5:30-7:00 stn 1 positive flux a bit higher than at stn 3; day:mostly in agreement, maybe a slight increase in co2 uptake at stn 3 in the late morning to middle afternoon
co2'co2': ok, poor signal b/c of dew effects from 22:30-4:30; mostly in agreement after 7:00, slight increase in variance at stn3 vs. stn 1 around sunrise and 1hr after