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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

August 13
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on site, 
mostly cloudy overnight, morning partly cloudy, afternoon partly cloudy and breezy
WSW winds in the nighttime and switching to NW and somewhat NNW by late afternoon

Vdsm: 13.4-13.7 V during day, down to 12.4 at night
P: ok, pressure rising from 972 mb to 976 mb throughout the period
T.2m: brief periods where stn 1 is 0.5-0.7 degees warmer than other sites and also periods where stns 2 & 4 are 0.-0.7 degrees C warmer than the other sites;
RH.2m: stns 1&3 about 5%RH lower than stn 4 during the night; stn2 also a few%RH lower than stn 4; daytime: stn4 about 3-5%RH higher than other sites
H2O.2m: night: stn 4 about 1.0 g/m^3 greater vapor than stn 3 from 22:00-1:00; stn 2 about 0.7-1.0 g/m^3 drier than stn 1 and stn4; daytime: stn 4 about 0.5-0.7 g/m^3 more moist than other sites
Wetness: heavy dew event from 22:45-7:30, sensor dry by 9:45

T.10m: ok, stn 2 about 0.7-1.0 degrees C cooler than stn 3 from 23:30-1:00, smaller differences among sites the rest of the night
RH.10m: ok, stn 2 about 5-7%RH lower than other sites from 23:00 to 10:00; also slightly drier at stn2 vs. others during the mid morning to early afternoon
H2O.10m ok, stn 2
Spd.10m: ok, most of the night stns are within +/~0.5 m/s of each site; stn 1 a bit higher than other sites during the mid afternoon
Dir.10m: ok, from the W to WSW during the overnight, switching to NW most of the morning and afternoon

T.10m - T.2m: night: stns 1 & 4 about 0.5-0.7 degrees C warmer at 10 m vs. 2 m from 2:00-4:30; good daytime agreement
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: night: several periods where stn2 is slightly drier at 10m vs. 2m than for stns 1&3-4, stn 4 about 0.7 g/m^3 drier at 2m v.s 10m from 3:30 to the end of the period;
spd.4.5m: ok, similar for Spd.10m
dir.4.5m: ok, see comments for Dir.10m, a bit more SW flow in the overnight v.s WSW to W wind
w.4.5m: ok, before midnight more positive w at stn 3, near zero vertical motion at stn 4; stn 3 w~0 from 2:00-6:00; mostly w<0 at all sites after noon
tc.4.5m: ok, stn1 and stn 3 are slightly cooler than other sites much of the period before 3:00; stns 1-2 slightly cooler than Sites 3-4 in bid to late afternoon
ldiag: ok,

kh2oV: ok, between 250-400 mV for night to day behavior
kh2o: night: stn 4 around about 2 g/m^3 wetter than stn 2 and about 4-6 g/m^3 more moist than stns 1 & 3 for the overnight and daytime;
h2o(licor): ok, stn 1 about 0.5-0.7 g/m^3 drier than stn 3 from much of the night; separation btwn sites narrow by 8:00
lidiag (licor): ok,

TKE.4.5m: ok, stn 1 lower TKE than other sites several short periods after midnight; close daytime agreement but stn 1 a bit higher TKE in the late afternoon
w'w': ok, similar to TKE.4.5m, also seen in u'u' and v'v'
u*: ok,  nighttime: similar to TKE.4.5m, also similar to u'w' and v'w'
w'tc': ok, night: larger negative heat flux by 0.02 C m/s at stns 2-4 as in u*; close agreement in morning and afternoon fluxes
tc'tc': ok, not as clear of a signal for w'tc'
w'h2o': ok, stns 2&4 larger negative flux at night (after 0:00-6:30), close agreement in peak values of afternoon heat flux
h2o'h2o' (licor): ok, close agreement for nighttime; stns 1-3 about 0.04 (g/m^3)^2 greater variance than at stn 2 & 4 in the mid afternoon
kh2o'kh2o': night: both kryptons reading 0.04 units of higher variance than the licors; daytime: stn 2 about 0.02 units less variance than stn 4 for much of late morning and afternoon
w'co2': ok, night: somewhat higher positive flux at stn 3 vs. 1, daytime, more negative flux at stn 3 vs. 1
co2'co2': ok, higher variance at stn3 vs. 1 most of the night; close agreement during daytime