dc was on the net, so I tested out the deicing control script. Seems to be working, and even found conditions (ldiag nonzero and temp below 1º) that trigger deicing. I installed it in the crontab to check conditions and run if needed every hour. There's a log of the relay on/off state in CFACT/ISFS/logs/csat_heat.log, and there's a nidas watched file sensor for it that will record the heater state (sample id 6).

I'll check tomorrow to see how it does running overnight.

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  1. Thanks, Isabel!!!  dc was powered up just this afternoon.

  2. Isabel Suhr AUTHOR

    Deployed heater control script to crontab at all sites except up and lc (not on the net).

    dcst gives an OS error when trying to connect to the serial board, so we should probably investigate and/or replace in January. At pc the voltage is too low to run the heating script. All other sites seem to be working...