There wasn't obvious damage to the above-ground part of Qsoil.c, but it isn't responding.  About 20min ago, I placed a spare Qsoil poking into the ground from above.  It is reading fine (at 10.76%), but reports as ID29, rather than ID2A of the previous probe, so it isn't being processed correctly.

A restart of dsm_server now finds the new Qsoil (S/N 012).

1505: Realized looking at the data that the old Qsoil (S/N 013) was working (perhaps when it warmed up a bit).  Have just reconnected it.  Also just buried new Qsoil off to the SW.  I'm not totally happy with its installation, but it should be close.  Thus, there are now 2 Qsoils (ID 2A, old and ID 29, new).  I'll let this go like this for another day, then make a decision as to whether to remove one, or to change the .xml to record data from both separately.