Weather: Similar to yesterday, a rain day, solid overcast and continuous rain throughout the day.

Summary: Rain events during the night.    Cool temperatures, low winds.

System: ok, running.    GPS/Vdsm: ok

Sonics: All Sonics effected by rain from time to time.   8m, 32m and 43.9m more so.    20m sonic died in afternoon.   Power cycling didn't fix it.

TRH, P: ok.   Cockpit showing RIP for p.43m however data is coming in on 'ds' and 'rs' and plots

Wind Speed & Dir: ok

Soil, Rainr:  tsoila.4.4cm down

Rainr:  Rain events overnight.  Significant rain around 4:30-5:30am with continuous showers for several hours afterwards.  5am events shown on b but otherwise the rain isn't getting into it.   Checked bucket yesterday and it was ok.

Vmote (rad, a, a2, b): ok.   VmoteB low at 11.8

Radiation, Wetness: ok

H2O, CO2: ok, kryptons effected by rain.   Licor7500 diags all remain above 240: normal operation.

WebCam: ok.
