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Creating a home page

  1. Go to the "Who's Who" page of the Swiki
  2. You'll see a page with a table on it, with people's names and their user names.
  3. You can add your name to the table by clicking on "Edit This Page", also in the left navigation bar.
  4. Log in with your user name and password if you haven't done so already.
  5. At the bottom of the edit window, you'll see a line that looks like this:
    | Some Name | ☆someUserName☆ |
    This is a line in the table. You can add your own entry to the table by adding a line right below the last line in the table. If my name is "Swiki User" and my login name is "swiki99", I might type
    | Swiki User | ☆swiki99☆ |
  6. Click the Save button You'll notice that next to your user name is a link called "Create".
  7. Click this link to create a new page.
  8. You'll be back in edit mode, where you can now edit your home page. Feel free to put anything you like on this page!
  9. Click Save. You'll see your new home page. Now, if you return to the Who's Who page, you'll see that there is now a link to your new home page!
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