Yesterday had the shift change from set-up to (almost) operations.  Dan, Kurt, Isabel, and Ned are now gone, with Gary leaving tomorrow.  Kate and I now have the comm. 

Winds have been stronger than desired, so no IOPs, which is good since several things are not yet operational. Chief among these is the CTEMP fiber-optic temperature sensor, which has had several issues and at the moment is only half laid out.  There also is an issue with the scanning laser system.  All of these are being resolved.

Thanks to the set-up crew, we have the primary 4 towers and the 6 pressure towers all up and running, though with several things to go:

  • P4's network connection drops daily, perhaps caused by dew accumulation on the plants.  We can try adding another Ubiquiti to lconv to service this tower.
  • All of the PI sensors are now mounted on the towers. One (lconv.6m) needs to be reoriented and another (uconv.3m) needs to be secured.
  • The aux towers are now all up, with DSMs hung on them, but have not been instrumented,  The cabling from them also needs to be dressed.  This is our task for tomorrow
  • None of the surface-level radiometers or soil sensors have been installed.  This is another task for as soon as possible.
  • ustar is receiving data from all sites through the network, displaying cockpit, and computing statistics that are sent to Boulder.  It is installed in an (unairconditioned) ISS trailer on site, so we are using a second system in the base trailer, just connected to the network through a cell modem.  We haven't yet spent much time with this system.
  • After that come some lower priority tasks:
    • Get R webplots running in Boulder.  Due to the network status here, we don't think it will be useful to run a "shadow" set of web plots created on site.
    • Change nidas configuration to put lconv soybean radiometer/soils into .a2
    • Change nidas configuration to grab power monitor values.  Attach USB cables to some power monitors (several are missing them).

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