Mostly sunny, temps teens to 40s(?).

A short visit each to dcs and prs to mount and connect the new HRXL sensors.  However, only dcs worked (briefly) then died on a ddn/dup cycle (see below).  Both had tested fine in the base with my modified wiring (since these came with potted cables attached).

Sebastian reprogrammed the TC loggers, so a lot of playing with new baud rates to get them to work.  (Initially, he set them back to 9600, which wasn't fast enough for 20Hz data.  Eventually, he went back to 115200.)

A LOT of config/R changes to keep up with (finally!) variable definitions for TC and RAD loggers, v2.7 radiometers found not to be deployed as per their I2C addresses (which are coded to in and out), etc.  Note that qctables now compares (derived) Rlw values, rather than Rpile and Tcase, since the RAD logger does not output Rpile.

Our first attendance of the daily project zoom meeting organized by the PIs.

An "ephemeral" IOP is called for Tues noon, so we'll need to replace broken TCs at 7m at both supersites tomorrow.