
The Little Pine Mountain tower site (34.599367, -119.747283) is located up a small trail off of Little Pine Road (Forest Route 9N11). There is a small parking area (34.600602, -119.745115) at the end of this road with room for multiple vehicles. There are two paths: one from the parking lot continues approximately 400m to the side of a hill along the Little Pine Connector Trail, the other starts from above the campground on a well-defined track to the right of the road, then left at the trail junction, then up the hill to the left.  The forest service key works on the gate to the right of the beginning of this second track, but wouldn't save much.

To drive to this site, take Paradise road from Hwy 154 to the lower Oso picnic area, then proceed straight through the ford and follow signs to the Upper Oso campground.  There is a gate (uses the forest service key) on the road at the top of the campground.  When we used the UTV, we left the pickup and trailer in the small loop lot just below the gate, but were told to pay a $10 fee (envelope drop by the gate) even with the GSA truck and our permit on the dash.  We paid.  Keep going up (left) at a fork about 4 miles up from this gate – 12 miles total to Happy Hollow.  Also a sharp left about 11 miles in (signed).

Figure 1. Overview of site access and parking area

Photo 1. Looking south with site location in the foreground


  • Contact before install to inquire about the road condition getting to the campground
  • Veronica Garza - Forest Service, Lands & Special Uses Officer 
  • It may be worth renting a gator for a day to move infrastructure and sensors to the site, ask Veronica is this is allowed

To Do

Power Y cable would be nice

Site Photos

Panorama from north

Other site photos

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