March 18: Tony and I returned the Uhaul with a bad tire in the bed.

Daisuke, Callum, Adam and Andrew got everything set and organized for the day's work, while Chris and Tony were goofing off waiting for Uhaul to correct the billing.
Today we setup the S2 (Frinj Coffee).  
Griffen Hall is one of the managers, and his call phone is 805-720-5224.  He helped us get into the farm.
Steep hill to climb to the tower, but at least the cows no longer enter the area where the tower is set up, so no electric fense was required.

The solar panels were only generating 3 Amps (instead of an expected 7 A).  Each panel connected individually will generale 3A,, but when the panels are tied together they still only generate 3A (we also tried different cables).  A single panel should be enough to keep the batteries charged, but this is something to watch, and the solar assembly could be swapped out.

March 19: Reagan Ranch (S7) also called bald mountain.
Communicated with Micah Salazar (ranch manager) at cell phone 805-252-5925, and he buzzed opened the gate when we arrived at the call box
Quick setup with great views at Reagan's Ranch Helipad.
No Manfrotoe was installed, but soils where installed and mote connected (Steve shipped additional tripods, and I mentioned to Micah the we would need to return when convenient to install the tripod)
There is a VOR on this site, plus lots of communications equipment, so we need to consider this if there are any communications or instrument anomolies.

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