Beautiful, clear, day.  Truck temp got to 80F.  Chris and Tony flew out today, Isabel, Adam, Andrew, and I worked together.

Set up (mostly) s15 (Fig. Mtn.).  Gate was open, so didn't try out the combination.  Called Dispatch prior, but they didn't know about us.  Called Veronica, who let people know we were there.

Black cats at fire station are friendly!

Spoke with UC Davis people who were servicing an air chemistry sampling site in a hut overlooking the station.  They said it was part of the IMPROVE network that has been running 20+ years.  I told them about SWEX.

Drove to (others') microrain radar site, then hoofed it another 100m to the site.

Didn't have a Manfrotto – FedEx delivered to the hotel while we were there – so no rad set up.  Deployed soils, but didn't have a long enough serial cable to reach.  Cell connection was fine without an external antenna.  Decided that a label/sign were not needed, since well off the beaten path (no casual visitors expected).  Otherwise, the set-up was without incident.

Dropped by the ISS Boy Scout site to swap license plates and learn where it was.

Cleaned out and returned the Penske.

ISFS SET UP FOR SWEX IS NOW OFFICIALLY DONE (but lots of stuff on our punch list before we are operational).

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

    Discovered after dinner that UDP data had been disabled in the s15 local config.  Manually edited and restarted (ddn/dup) to get data flowing to barolo.