A glorious day after the rains yesterday.  Clouds filled the Santa Inez Valley in the morning, but nothing on the Santa Barbara side.

Isabel went off to help ISS, so Steve went alone...

s11: (try to get on the net)

  • modem status was red, even after unplugging the external antenna that we installed a few days ago, but which seemed to make things worse.  Station was up otherwise.  Decided to copy the raw data files from the DSM to my Mac, and could only think of doing this via WiFi from the Pi.  Soon after the copy started, noticed that the modem LEDs were both green.  After the copy (about 40min later), rebooted (via console command) and modem came up, with pings working.
  • noticed that the guy wires were loose because one split link had pulled open – I assume it hadn't been fully closed.  Replaced both it and a triangular split link on another wire and retensioned
  • took a soil core

s10: (just taking a core, since on the way)

  • When checking data, didn't see Victron messages.  Reseated USB connectors (inside connection to the bulkhead may have been loose?) and ddn/dup brought it back.
  • took soil core

s9: (getting back on the net)

  • manfrotto had partly blown over, being held up only by the screw anchor.  Ended up resetting up manfrotto, but couldn't get the screw anchor in very much.  Should revisit with a power drill or stake.
  • as found:
  • redeployed:
  • Also found one guy wire totally loose, with the turnbuckle on the ground.  Resecured and made sure the lock nuts were tight.
  • As for what brought me there, the bank2 2A fuse was blown.  Replacing blew it again. Replaced with a 3A and brought up each sensor one by one.  Noted that the TRH fan seemed to be running at full speed, rather than 40% duty cycle.  Found the SHT probe unresponsive and the housing fan always on high speed even with no probe.  Replaced both and all seemed normal.
  • took soil core

s18: (normal visit)

  • okay, I didn't read the site page all the way to the bottom before getting there, but I <had> read the top, which had stale information.  Thus, I annoyed Milo by showing up unannounced.  I've since rewritten the site page to be more of what I expected.
  • didn't use the punch list, since I thought I'd remember everything, but then forgot photos and to replace the 1-2A fuse.  That will teach me(?).  Anyway, did add port caps and took 2 photos.
  • took soil core

So, a moderately busy day, but some improvement...

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