A light day, introducing Jacquie to the ISFS set-up:

s15: (revisiting to check on tower issues)

  • Found the last turnbuckle nut, so retensioned guys and secured all turnbuckles with locknuts (wrench tight).  Then added back cable ties for safety.
  • Were going to drop the mast to reinstall the lightning rod, but found that the screw holding it on itself was snapped.  Thus, couldn't fix and thus left mast in place.
  • Propped the disconnected Gsoil up on a rock to protect the electrical taping

s14: (test of EC150 dessicant bottle replacement)

  • Dropped mast from about 13:30-14:00
  • Cleaned a bunch of bird droppings, including from the bottom EC150 lens
  • Changed dessicant bottles
  • Afterwards, have noticed a small step change in the EC150 readings (the bird cleaning), followed by a slow drift to larger value (the effect of the bottle?).  We'll have to see how the h2o and co2 values change in the coming days.  The dessicant is supposed to take 24hrs to completely settle.
  • Also cleaned radiometers.

Matt arrived in the evening.