Today we transitioned from EOP 1 to IOP 4. The ISFS network was in good shape, so it was another light day. Gary remotely rebooted S18, which resolved the usb disk issue. I visited S5 to troubleshoot the sonic and generally check out the station. A simple power cycle on the port seemed to do the trick and we have been getting reasonable data since. I also re-tensioned some of the guy wires, so the tower is much more plumb than we left it. Before I left I remembered to measured the boom angle, which was 136 magnetic. Later in the day I collected a soil sample at s1 and measured the boom angle at S3 at 136 magnetic.

Everything else behaved pretty well today, but Steve did notice that the TP01 at S9 is reporting likely bad data. I will consider replacing it if I make it to S9 for soils in the next few days.