The weather today remained unsettled, with scattered showers and clouds over parts of the SY mountains throughout the day. Chris and I spent the day hitting sites 13, 14, and 15 for soils and boom angles, while also cleaning radiometers and re-tensioning some guy wires at 14 and 15. I also showed Chris some of the tools we use to monitor the data and network status.

Other small things of note-

  • S14: We noticed that the CSAT boom at S14 is completely upside down. Perhaps this is explained in a previous blog post that I missed, but I thought it was noteworthy. 
  • S7: Many sites have been intermittently offline again today, but S7 has been completely offline since ~11:22 pm last night. I suspect it’s a cell network issue because s6 and 8 were both flaky as well. Chris and I also had spotty coverage at times today.
  • S16: The TRH wasn’t reporting all morning and was also out for a short period last night. Rebooting the DSM did not seem to help, but it eventually came back on its own in the afternoon. Could moisture be getting into the connection?
  • S10: Had to restart Nidas twice to bring back up the power monitor. Also Qsoil was not reporting all day, but a port power cycle brought it back in the late afternoon.

1 Comment

  1. Drat on s14!  My mistake when Jacquie and I took it off to replace the EC150 scrubber bottles (since we didn't have a ladder to access the sensor otherwise).  Thanks for catching this!  (We can fix the sonic data in qc_files, I think – we had a "flipped" flag in NIDAS.)