As a check of the ec150 sanity, I've produced the following plot from 30min of data from yesterday:

These are power spectra from the EC150 at s16 (red) and s11 (green) and from H2O derived from the TRHs at these sites (blue and cyan, respectively).  At low frequencies, I would say that the agreement between the blue and red lines are similar to the agreement of the green and cyan lines, indicating that the gain of the EC150 water vapor channel (and thus hopefully the co2 channel) is probably okay.  For flux calculations, biases – even large ones – don't matter.  Also, as Chris has pointed out, co2 from this project isn't a high priority.

Thus, I'd say that swapping the EC150 here would be the next step, but a low priority.

P.S. Below is the R code I used to generate this plot:

spspec = function(x) specsmooth(pspectra(fftw(x))) 
iod = prep(c("h2o.s16","h2o.s11"))
ec150 = readts(iod)
iod = prep(c("T.2m.s16","RH.2m.s16","T.2m.s11","RH.2m.s11"))
trh = readts(iod)
Rm = 0.4617
trh[trh[,c("RH.2m.s16"]>100,c("RH.2m.s16"] = 100
trh[trh[,c("RH.2m.s11"]>100,c("RH.2m.s11"] = 100
Pv = dat("satvp", TC = trh[,"T.2m.s16"]) * trh[,"RH.2m.s16"]
h2o = Pv/Rm/(trh[,"T.2m.s16"] + 273.15)
Pv = dat("satvp", TC = trh[,"T.2m.s11"]) * trh[,"RH.2m.s11"]
h2o = Cbind(h2o, Pv/Rm/(trh[,"T.2m.s11"] + 273.15))

1 Comment

  1. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

    The large bias does beg the question as to how the calibration could have drifted so much, given that we calibrated all these sensors in the lab last falll.