Just changed the data rate for the snow pillows to 0.002s, rather than 0.02s.  I only did this on cb's config – haven't pushed this to git.  (I'm hoping to sample this snow event without further data gaps in the pillow measurements.)

Sometime, we'll want to add prompting for the other pillow outputs as well (e.g. SWE).

1 Comment

  1. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

    Okay!  I've created entries to prompt for all the snow pillow variables, with new sample offsets, lots of new sample IDs and variables.

    This was just done on cb's sensor_catalog (and a comment in sos.xml), and cb ddn/dup to implement.  I <think> it's working.  Someone could push this to git.

    GRRR.   The parsing message is the same format for all these different messages, so values get assigned to the wrong variable....  Have to figure something out....  From the manual, you are supposed to read:

    1M! 10023 // Default - 3 values available within 2 seconds
    1D0! +75.2+0.05-5.677 // 75.2 cm SWE, 0.05°C, -5.677°C
    1M1! 10024 // Individual load cells - 4 values available within 2 seconds
    1D0! +157.30+158.27+156.05+155.81 // 4 load cell readings in kg
    1M2! 10024 // Individual excitation currents - 4 values available within 2 seconds
    1D0! +11.30+11.27+11.81+12.01 // 4 excitation current readings in mA
    1M3! 10025 // Status - 5 values within 2 seconds
    1D0! +0+0+0+0+1+0 // status OK for 4 load cells and Tint, measurement error on Text

    but there is no way to distinguish the four 1D0! messages.