Of course, dsm_server died about noon on Xmas.  I've restarted.

Also, pillows 4 and then 3 stopped today.  Just restarted.


  1. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

    Now we've upgraded the firmware on all pillows, but still are experiencing data stoppages.  Since BANK1 now just powers the pillows, it would seem to be time to implement a power cycle script, perhaps just every day.

    1. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

      I just went ahead and added this entry to cb's crontab:

      # reset the snow pillows daily for SOS on cb

      17 15 * * * /opt/nidas/bin/pio BANK1 0; sleep 5; /opt/nidas/bin/pio BANK1 1

      I chose 15:17 (UTC – 08:17 MST) as a time when people might soon notice if it had failed.