• Overnight, we had the first instance of a pillow dropout (#1) since I implemented a daily restart.  The restart did bring it back, but we lost data from 00-08 last night.
  • Apparently, there was more snow overnight.  The upward radiometers (both K&Z and NR01) act like they are covered.  Also, several EC150s have died and come back.
  • The 1m.uw sonic is still buried.  We'll move it to 2m when we're there in 2 weeks.
  • The TRHs are all back reporting normally, though there may be some small biases.
  • Tsnow.0.9m.uw now appears to be buried
  • Tsnow.0.6m.d is now buried as well


  1. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

    In the last 3 days, we've had bunches of pillow outages, some less than 4 hours after the daily power cycle.  Rather frustrating!

    • pillow #1: died 12/31 at 00:30 and today 1/2 at 11:00
    • pillow #2: died 12/31 at 19:30
    • pillow #3: died 12/31 at 16:00 and 1/1 at 11:00 
    • pillow #4: has stayed up
  2. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

    Rsw.in is still lower than Rsw.out.  I thought that this was snow covering the incomings (and maybe still is), but this has been the case since 12/28.  I had hoped that the CVF4 ventillator would have cleared out the K&Z Rsw.in by now.