We had a discussion in the oceanography group about this project. Over all the response was very positive, but there were a couple points raised that are worth discussing / at least keeping in mind for the future:

  1. Is this just a vertical mixing package, or will it grow to a full column-physics package? For example, will we try to bring in radiative forcing at some point as well?
  2. There was some discussion on the unit choice. POP is cm / gram / sec and there is debate about whether the vertical mixing as it stands now is also cgs or if it is mks. Or is it possible that the mixing is all unitless? (Unitless in the sense that everything may work out as long as all the inputs are consistent with each other, as opposed to the existence of internal coefficients with units.) This is something I'll be looking for as I go through the code, and I plan on including comments regarding units where appropriate.
  3. I did a poor job explaining some of the coding conventions laid out in the initial email document. Currently, the plan is to use the following:
    1. ALL_CAPS for constants / parameters
    2. all_lowercase for F90-type (integer, real, logical, etc) scalars / arrays
    3. First_cap for derived-type variables
    4. To differentiate between scalars and arrays, we will use parentheses everywhere. So "a = b+c" is scalar addition, "a(:) = b(:) + c(:)" is vector, and so on for multi-dimensional arrays. This is in contrast to my first email, where I claimed that all vector arithmetic would occur inside do-loops.

Lastly, we asked for input (email to me to begin with, but opening the wiki to more OCE folks as the project progresses).

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