
WSLOPE 6 Rad Mote

6:00 - 6:18pm MST 

Visited WSLOPE 6 to reset radiation stand mote, after data dropped out several days ago.

Upon arrival the mote was opened, and status lights appeared normal (green/red flashing indicating data collection and flow). Rad mote power cycled via on/off switch, lights returned to normal status pattern. Rad data flow appears to have resumed as of power cycle of rad mote. Station radio was not restarted, internally or manually. Mote battery measured at 12.58 volts upon visit. 

Station solar panels were covered with snow and ice, and were cleared. As well, upward facing rads had 1/3 inch of snow and ice built up on the domes. Loose snow removed, ice was not removed due to delicacy of instrument domes, and in order to avoid scratching.

Station reporting normally in online plots.

Highland at around 7:30 AM, East Slope a little after 8 AM.

Highland bare ground; East Slope 2 inches of crusty snow left.

Highland power cycle

Went out at 2 PM and cycled power at Highland site. While that solved the immediate comms problem, it is apparent that the battery voltage is dropping and likely not going to make it through the night. Will check in the morning and swap batteries if necessary. East Slope battery also dropping at a high rate tonight.

John Horel

Status Dec 23, 2010

Status evaluated from 36 hour plots on Dec 23 12:30-15:15
On site: no ISFS staff

Weather: precip last night, = 500 W/m^2 at W Slope

Summary: no Tsoil at W Slope main
         data gap last night from Playa, Highland, W Valley, E & W Slope
         no data from Highland; has not recovered from low power last night
         14:20 MST: John Horel resurrected Highland

Vdsm: ok, 12.9-13.8 V
Vmote.rad: 12.4-13.3V, E Slope lowest
Vmote.soil: 12.1-13.7V, Eslope struggling

Current Conditions:

P: ok, 845 to 875 mb
Tbaro: ok, 5 to 10 degC
T: ok, 1 to 4 degC; above freezing last night
RH: ok, 95 to 100%, E Slope > 100%
Q: ok, 5 to 5.4 gm/kg
Rainr (3,4,6): ok,  3 to 10 mm/hr yesterday evening
Spd (1,6): ok, W Slope calm, Playa 4 m/s
Dir (1,6): ok,

csat diag: ok, some spiking yesterday afternoon and evening
spd: ok, up to 4 m/s
dir: ok, NW at most sites, NE at Riverton
u'u': ok, generally < 0.5 (m/s)2
v'v': ok, generally < 0.7 (m/s)2
w'w': ok, generally < 0.2 (m/s)2
u*: ok, up to 0.4 m/s
sigma_w/u*: ok, ~1.3

tc: ok, 2-5 degC
tc'tc': generally < .2 degC2
w'tc': ok, up to 0.07 m/s degC, E Slope very small

kh2oV: down to a few mV's
kh2o'kh2o': unrealistic
w'kh2o': less than 0.03 m/s g/m^3, but mostly positive ok, up to 500 W/m2 on 12/23
Rsw.out: ok, up to 270 W/m2 on 12/22
albedo: ok, 0.1 to 0.4; E & W Slope highest
Rsw.dfs (1,7): ok, up to 270 W/m2 at Playa; 170 W/m^2 at Riverton (1,7): ok, up to 300 W/m^2 at Playa, 100 W/m^2 at Riverton ok, 270 to 330 W/m^2 ok, -50 to 0 W/m2 ok, 2 to 7 deg C (1,2,5): ok, appears to be some gradients at Playa

Rlw.out: ok, 320 to 360 W/m2
Rpile.out: ok, -20 to 20 W/m2
Tcase.out: ok, 2 to 6 deg C
Tdome.out (1,2,5): ok, appears to be some gradients at Playa

soil.aux at E & W Slope (5,6)
Tsoil: ok, 0 to 8 C,
Qsoil: 15 to 36 %vol
Gsoil: -60 to 8 W/m^2, Eslope > 0, others < 0 today
Cvsoil: 8e5 to 3e6 J/(m^3 degK)

STATUS Dec 22, 2010

Status evaluated from 36 hour plots on Dec 22 15:00-16:00 MST
On site: Steve S and Chris

Weather: wet snow/rain this morning

Summary: no Tsoil at W Slope main
station 3 & 5 down this morning, repaired
sonic heights completed today

Vdsm: ok, 11 - 13.7v battery problem at 2 resolved yesterday
Vmote.rad: ok, 12.3-13.4v
Vmote.soil: 12.0-13.4V

P: ok, 836 to 870 mb
Tbaro: ok, 0 to 11 degC
T: ok, -2 to 4 degC
RH: ok, 88 to 100%
Q: ok, 3.6 to 5.8 gm/kg
Rainr (3,4,6): ok,  snow/rain this morning
Spd (1,6): ok, up to 7 m/s
Dir (1,6): ok, currently N(site 1) and S (site 6)

csat diag: ok, some spiking
spd: ok, up to 5 m/s
dir: ok
u'u': ok, generally < 1 (m/s)^2
v'v': ok, generally < 1 (m/s)^2
w'w': ok, generally < 1 (m/s)^2
u*: ok, up to 0.5 m/s
sigma_w/u*: ok, ~1.3

tc: ok, -8 to 10 deg C, spiking today
tc'tc': generally < .5 degC^2, ditto on spikes
w'tc': ok, -0.1 to 0.05 m/s degC

kh2oV: ok, 0 to 1.5, all at zero thsi morning, cleaned 2 this afternoon
kh2o'kh2o': ok, generally < .01, spikes throughout the period
w'kh2o': ok, -.02 to .02, jumps >-.2 to >.2 (m/s g/m^3) ok, up to 230 W/m^2 on 12/22
Rsw.out: ok, up to 170 W/m^2 on 12/22, site 2 reading lower than others, this is a water site!
albedo: ok, .1 to 1, snow cover on sensors
Rsw.dfs (1,7): ok, up to 200 W/m^2 on 12/22 (1,7): ok, up to 210 W/m^2 on 12/22 ok, 270 to 330 W/m^2 ok, -50 to 0 W/m^2 ok, -2 to 5 deg C (1,2,5): ok, -1.5 to 4.8 deg C

Rlw.out: ok, 290 to 340 W/m^2
Rpile.out: ok, -25 to 5 W/m^2
Tcase.out: ok, -2 to 5 deg C
Tdome.out (1,2,5): ok, -1.5 to 4.5 deg C

soil.aux at E & W Slope (5,6)
Tsoil: ok, 0 to 5 C,
Qsoil: 15 to 36 %vol
Gsoil: -35 to 18 W/m^2, low value from site 2 which is turing into a lake!
Cvsoil: 8e5 to 3.4e6

ABC2 Sonic height

14:00 - 14:15 Dec 22

sonic height measurement from pivot point to top of boom - 8.79m

Cleaned krypton

   twh (3/2/11): high-rate data indicate kh2o cleaned at 14:17(!)

                           high-rate T-tc suggest mast down 14:07 - 14:19

                           high-rate u,w do not clearly show mast down, but u close to zero 14:09 - 14:19

13:38 - 13:50

sonic height - 3.26m

sonic boom 79.9 magnetic (boom pointing west)

12:30 - 12:45

Measured sonic height and boom angle.

height - 3.27m

boom - 78.0 (ss), 78.3(cg) magnetic (boom pointing west)

11:00 - 11:30

Station was down this morning. A power recycle started up the station.

Measurement of the sonic height from ground to pivot bolt is  85cm

Hiland3 DMS repiar

10:30 - 10:50

Reprogrammed router at base and installed. Would not work until a full power recycle on DSM.

Able to get into DSM via wifi and cell.

Router and cell units are #3

Hiland3 Visit

8:45 - 9:15am

Visited this site due to no transmission.  Found a fault light on charging system.  Unplugged everything from charging unit...this includes batteries.  It seemed to reset charger and dsm was back up.  The Verizon router was not syncing.  Could not talk to the dsm via wifi or cell modem.  Removed router and bringing back to base trailer to re-install settings.

Hiland3 & Eslope5

Hiland and Eslope off the air early this morning. Low battery voltage may be the reason.

Will take a set of fresh batteries to each site.

13:30 - 14:30, Dec 21

Replaced Tsoil probe.

Lowered mast to clean krypton, clean solar, and clean radiometer

trailer test: brought probe back to trailer and did a visual check.

There was no sign on moisture in the connector. Did a simple ice

bath test and the probe was reading high. Will take back to Boulder.

   twh (3/1/11): high-rate data indicate kh2o cleaned at 14:03

                           high-rate u,w suggest mast down 13:59 - 14:05, but light winds make this ambiguous

          (3/3/11): high-rate pressure data confirm 13:59 - 14:05

ABC2 New router


Replace router with a new unit with the correct configuration.

This was the original router at ABC which was removed earlier today


ABC2 DSM power issues

10:30 - 11:00

Since power was still low at 2 decided to change out the DSM. Before making the change we use

the meter to verify volatge readings. The result was we found a loose connector on the main

power cable going from the power switch to the power panel board. Everything looks ok now.

We also changed the the router since we could not communicate withe DSM via WIFI or cell.

According to Gordon we still need to make another change in the router firmware.

Snow removal at solar panels and radiometers.