

We have built four new TRHs for PCAPS.  These are numbered 025, 026, 027, 028.  These have been modified to use RS232 or I2C communications.  We have removed the ferrite beads to the communication lines and added shunts.  The board filler was our 'ear goo' and used epoxy to make it water proof.  Nail polish has been used to coat the contacts on the transducer.  GOR-TEX has been added to transducer to help with protection.

2010/12/12 3:00pm MST Shadowband at riverton adjusted from 39 to 37 degrees.

pyranometer was level upon arrival.

Hoist Conditions

Steve and I took apart the winch for a more in-depth view of gears and barrel condition.  Found the part added to the drum was not needed anymore and we removed it.  Now winch will be able to take a higher load.  Looking closer at the gears we noticed wear on barrel gear than the worm gear.  Worm gear seems to have an odd 'bite' out of the bottom of it.  Nothing too scary, but something to keep on eye on during rest of this winches life.  The barrel  gear is definitely worn.  We will keep an extremely close eye on this gear.  Not that it's a worry for raising mast, but something will be done for the new year.  Kurt has ordered a new winch that is exactly the same so for the new year shift they will have a brand new winch tool.

Fun times!

2010/12/12 2:05pm MST shadowband angle adjusted from 40 degrees to 35 degrees. 

pyronometer was not level upon arrival, axis normal to the bar was not secured tightly, and was off level. Shadowband also not perpindicular to rad stand. Did not have proper equipment to determine offset from 90 degrees. Pyranometer should now be level. Shadow was set so diffuser was in the middle of the shadow band. 

Shadowband at Playa 1 adjusted for the first time since mid November (site installation).

Bird feces observed in both the shadowband and the upward facing longwave radiometer. Both diffusers were cleaned by hand. Precipitation may help with more cleaning.

14:15:   Mote ID locations for soil probes: ID10 is main and ID21 is aux

Sonic angle is 77.8 magnetic (sonic pointing west). Prop angle is 346.1 magnetic (prop pointing south)

cleaned dooms.

1:30 - 1:35 pm

Chris replaced the TRH inlet due to a broken bell and Tom cleaned the radiometer dooms. Drip loops added to downlookers.

The boom angle of the sonic was shot;  85.5 magnetic (sonic looking west)

Status Dec 13, 2010

Status evaluated from 36 hour plots on Dec 13 09:00-10:00 MST
On site: Tom and Gordon; Steve S and Chris

Summary:  no Tsoil at W Slope main

Vdsm: ok, 12-14.5 Volts
Vmote.rad: ok, 13-18 V
Vmote.soil: 13-18 V

P: ok, 845 to 880 mb
Tbaro: ok, 0 to 20 degC
T: ok, 0 to 11 degC
RH: ok, 60 to 100%; E Slope intemittent
Q: ok, 3 to 6 gm/kg; E Slope & Playa intermittent & correlated
Rainr (3,5,6): erroneous 3 mm/hr tip at W Valley
Spd (1,6): ok, up to 7 m/s
Dir (1,6): ok, currently ~S

csat diag: ok; minor errors last night
spd: ok, up to 8 m/s
dir: ok
u'u': ok, generally < 0.5 (m/s)^2; up to 1.5 m^2/s^2 at 3,4,7
v'v': ok, ditto
w'w': ok, generally < 0.1 (m/s)^2; up to 0.8 m^2/s^2 at 3,4,7p to 1 m^2/s^2
u*: ok, up to 0.7 m/s
sigma_w/u*: ok, ~1.5

tc: ok, 0 to 14 deg C
tc'tc': generally < 0.4 degC^2
w'tc': ok, -0.1 to 0.1 m/s degC

kh2oV: ok, 0.5 to 3 V
kh2o'kh2o': ok, currently up to 0.002 degC^2
w'kh2o': ok, currently up to 0.01 degC^2 ok, up to 400 W/m^2 on 12/13
Rsw.out: ok, up to 150 W/m^2 on 12/13
albedo: ok, 0.1 t0 0.25
Rsw.dfs (1,7): ok, up to 500 W/m^2 on 12/13 (1,7): ok, up to 500 W/m^2 on 12/13 ok, up to 340 W/m^2 ok, -120 to 0 W/m^2 ok, -2 to 18 deg C (1,2,5): ok, -2 to 18 deg C

Rlw.out: ok, up to 400 W/m^2
Rpile.out: ok, -20 to 20 W/m^2
Tcase.out: ok, -2 to 18 deg C
Tdome.out (1,2,5): ok, -2 to 18 deg C

soil.aux at E & W Slope (5,6)
Tsoil: missing W Slope main
Qsoil: 13 to 28 %vol
Gsoil: -100 to 50 W/m^2
Cvsoil: 5e5 to 2.5e6

playa1 TRH

12/12/10  6:00 pm  changed SHT09 toSHT26. SHT09 was installed yesterday by TOm and Gordon. It came from Boulder in the care package.

SHT026 is a new sensor from Boulder.

hiland3 soil

Dec 11, 6:15 pm, Tom, Gordon

Installed old-style single tsoil probe, labeled 021, removing 4 probe pickle fork which failed several days ago.

eslope5 krypton, soil

Dec 11, 5:10 pm, Tom, Gordon

Tom installed old-style single soil probe at main soil site, unit 23

mast down 5:15, cleaned krypton, mast up 5:27. Sonic wicks ok.

   twh (3/1/11): high-rate w suggests mast down 17:17 - 17:26

          (3/2/11): high-rate u, P indicate mast down 17:16 - 17:27

                           high-rate kh2oV indicates kh2o cleaned at 17:20

Inserted GPS jumpers in main soil mote.

river7 soil, krypton

Dec 11, 03:54 pm

Dug up tsoil 8. Replaced with unit 5 which we received from Boulder this morning. This is a 4 level pickle fork.

mast down 4:04 pm

krypton had liquid water on lens. cleaned.

  twh (3/1/11): high-rate kh2oV indicates cleaned at 16:07

Replaced one missing sonic wick on bottom transducer

mast up 4:22

   twh (3/1/11): high-rate w suggests mast down 16:05 - 16:17

     (3/2/11): u, T-tc and P data indicate mast down 16:06 - 16:17

                           logbook times may include prep and completion for lowering mast

Flange on the TRH radiation shield has a chunk missing.

wvally4 krypton

Dec 11, 3:00 pm, Tom, Gordon

Mast down 3:05, cleaned krypton, which had liquid water on lens

   twh (3/1/11): high-rate kh2oV shows cleaned at 15:08

Mast up 3:22 pm

   twh (3/1/11): high-rate w suggests mast down 15:07 - 15:15;

          (3/2/11): high-rate u,P, support these times 

                          time in logbook may reflect prep and finish times for lowering mast

Dec 11, 1:08 pm, Tom, Gordon

Replaced TRH transducer 013 with 009

Cleaned krypton from ladder, did not drop mast.

Installed higher gain antenna on cellular modem. This turned out to be a hassle.

Prior to the antenna change, the router modem page reported signal 65%, -78 dBm for the modem, which is not bad, but I figured we could use this as an opportunity to test the higher gain antenna. If it ain't broke, fix it anyway...

I tried hot-swapping the antenna on the modem, which then apparently caused problems on the router. At first the WLAN would not come up. Connected via the ethernet, the wifi was disabled. After re-enabling the wifi, the router would not stay up. The router WAN and WLAN LEDs would come on, and then the USB LEN, and then after a second all would go out again, as if the router was resetting. Connection to the ethernet or wifi would only last a second or two.

Reset router to factory defaults by holding in reset button while powering up. Then downloaded the configuration and tweaked it for station isfs1. Router would then stay up.

After the change the modem signal level was 70%, -77 dBm. This is no real improvement from the smaller antenna.

Status Dec 11, 2010

Status evaluated from 36 hour plots on Dec 11 09:00-10:00 MST
On site: Tom and Gordon

Summary: RH at Playa out
         kh2oV low at all sites
         soil mote out at Riverton, presumable Tsoil took it down
         no Tsoil at Highland, Riverton, E&W Slope main

Vdsm: ok, 12-14.5 Volts
Vmote.rad: ok, 13-18 V
Vmote.soil: 12-14 V, missing Riverton

P: ok, 840 to 880 mb
Tbaro: ok, 2 to 12 degC
T: ok, 0 to 10 degC
RH: ok, 60 to 100 %; Playa bad
Q: ok, 4 to 6 gm/kg; Playa bad
Rainr (3,5,6): up to 10 mm/hr at all sites
Spd (1,6): ok, up to 10 m/s
Dir (1,6): ok, currently E at Playa, NW at W Slope

csat diag: ok now; high last night, likely rain
spd: ok, generally up to 9 m/s
dir: ok
u'u': ok, up to 4 m^2/s^2
v'v': ok, up to 4 m^2/s^2
w'w': ok, up to 1 m^2/s^2
u*: ok, up to 0.7 m/s
sigma_w/u*: ok, ~1.5

tc: ok, 2 to 10 deg C
tc'tc': generally < 0.2 degC^2
w'tc': ok, -0.05 to 0 m/s degC

kh2oV: ok, minimal now, 0.4 to 1.7 V prior to rain
kh2o'kh2o': ??
w'kh2o': ?? ok, up to 400 W/m^2 on 12/9
Rsw.out: ok, up to 80 W/m^2 on 12/9
albedo: ok, 0.1 t0 0.2, wslope still wet?
Rsw.dfs (1,7): ok, up to 300 W/m^2 on 12/9 (1,7): ok, up to 300 W/m^2 on 12/9
Note: on 12/9 Rsw.dfs = = ok, up to 340 W/m^2 ok, -60 to 0 W/m^2 ok, 0 to 9 deg C (1,2,5): ok, 0 to 9 deg C

Rlw.out: ok, up to 370 W/m^2
Rpile.out: ok, -20 to 15 W/m^2
Tcase.out: ok, 0 to 9 deg C
Tdome.out (1,2,5): ok, 0 to 9 deg C

soil.aux at E & W Slope (5,6)
Tsoil: good at 1,2,4,5aux,6aux;
       missing Highland, E Slope main, W Slope main, Riverton
Qsoil: 25 to 35 %vol; missing Riverton
Gsoil: -50 to 30 W/m^2; missing Riverton
Cvsoil: 5e5 to 3e6; missing Riverton

Sonic QC

I created and edited csat_isfs#.dat cal_files in boom_normal directory

I set cal_files to NA when diag exceeded 0.01 to 0.02.

Cal files edited through Dec 1 12:00 and copied to instrument directory.