
Dec 4, 6:15 pm, Tom, Gordon

visited eslope5 to diagnose problem with Rsw.out data, which has been looking bad for a while.

The inner dome of downlooking Epply PSP 16714 was 1/3 filled with water. Removed.

12/4 16:15 pm, Tom, Gordon

The mote at this site (ID3) has been removed since 12/3 when we couldn't get it to report data.

Replaced this mote with ID19, swapping radios. All soil sensors were reporting, including Tsoil. Before we left noticed that the 4th Tsoil value went bad.

Dec 4, 09:15 am

At the playa site yesterday, we noticed that the soil mote at the rad stand was ID3 and the auxilary mote was ID8. The XML configuration had them reversed. Hence, the web plots, netcdf files and cockpit are all labelling the soil variables incorrectly. I will correct the XML and re-run the netcdf covars and remake the plots.

playa1 auxiliary soil

12/4, 16:15 pm, Tom, Gordon

Opened door of aux mote (ID8) and checked voltage at white power connector: 11.5 V.

Sequentially pulled and replaced one sensor at a time. Voltage recovered to 11.6 when Qsoil, Gsoil, TP01 removed, to 11.7 when Tsoil removed.

The mote was running all during this time. It is supposed to shut down when the voltage falls below 11.9. It appears that the mote voltage measurement was erroneously high, see plot and
discussion below.

When Tsoil was unplugged, Gsoil and TP01 were reporting, no Qsoil.

When Tsoil was plugged in, Gsoil abruptly changed from 9.4 to -1.

Replaced battery. Voltage 12.46 without Tsoil. Now receiving Q,G and TP01. When Tsoil was plugged in, it caused step change in G and Qsoil. Left Tsoil unplugged. Note that Qsoil started reporting after the battery was replaced.

Attached is a plot of soil variables from aux at playa1. When the Tsoil goes bad it effects the measurement of Vmote and Gsoil. When we arrived at the site and disconnected Tsoil then Vmote dropped from 17 V to a more correct value of 12. The Vmote values of 12.5 V after 17:00 MST are with the replaced battery.

Status December 3, 2010

Status (36 hour plots): Dec 3 11:00-12:00

Summary: kh2o deployed Nov 30-Dec 1
         Resurrected Site 1 aux sensors Dec 3
         Replaced Site 3 Tsoil Dec 3

To do: Soil mote bad at Playa #1
          Tsoil (3 cm) bad at River
          Qsoil intermittent at ABC

          All soil data spiking at W Slope #1

          Cvsoil missing at E Slope #2

          Rainr spikes at W Valley

Vdsm: ok, 12-14.5 Volts
Vmote.rad: ok, 13-18 V
Vmote.soil: ok, 12-14 V; missing Playa #1

P: ok
Tbaro: ok, -10 to 20 degC
T: ok, -12 to 10 degC
RH: ok, 35 to 103 (Playa) %RH
Rainr (3,5,6): spurious 3 mm/hr spike at W Valley
Spd (1,6): ok, up to 10 (W Slope) m/s
spd: ok, up to 9 m/s; W Slope & Riverton are highest
Dir (1,6): ok, currently W; have prop directions been set?
dir: ok, have sonic directions been set?

u'u': ok, up to 1.5 m^2/s^2, Riverton high
v'v': ok, up to 2 m^2/s^2, Riverton high
w'w': ok, up to 0.7 m^2/s^2, Riverton high
u*: ok, up to 0.6 m^2/s^2, Riverton high
sigma_w/u*: ok, ~1.5, including Riverton

kh2oV: ok, 0.75 to 2.5 V
kh2o'kh2o': died around 09:00 Dec 2
w'kh2o': fluxes > 0 after 09:00 Dec 2,
         all except Playa and Highland -> 0 ~17:00 Dec 2

tc: ok, increasing from -10 to 5 deg C
tc'tc': eslope, wslope and river have higher variance
w'tc': ok, fluxes negative today, highest at eslope, wslope, and river
diag: ok, playa bad 0700-1000, Dec 2, probably water on transducers ok, up to 600 W/m^2 on 12/2
Rsw.out: ok, up to 450 W/m^2 on 12/2
Rsw.dfs (1,7): ok, up to 450 W/m^2 on 12/2 (1,7): ok, up to 600 W/m^2 on 12/2 ok, up to 320 W/m^2 ok, -140 to 0 W/m^2 ok, -10 to 15 deg C (1,2,5): ok, -10 to 15 deg C

Rlw.out: ok, up to 320 W/m^2
Rpile.out: ok, -80 to 0 W/m^2
Tcase.out: ok, -10 to 15 deg C
Tdome.out (1,2,5): ok, -10 to 15 deg C

Dec 3 17:30
soil.aux at Playa E&W Slope (1,5,6)
Tsoil*: good at 1b,2,3,4,5,5a,6a;
       missing Playa (#1), E Slope (#1), W Slope(#1),
       3 cm at river(7) is increasingly high also erratic
Qsoil*: 10 to 40 %vol; missing playa(#1), abc (intermittent),
        spikes in W Slope #1
Gsoil*: 6 to 16 W/m^2; missing playa(#1), spikes in W Slope #1
Cvsoil: 1-3e7; missing playa(#1), E slope(#2); spikes W slope(#1)

Dec 3, Playa motes at main site (near radiometers) and aux site (north of main) and Highland not reporting any data

Playa, 14:16 MST

Mote at main soil site is ID3: battery voltage = 12.5 V; reporting time information, but no soil data.

Mote at aux soil site is ID8: battery voltage = 11.4 V; disconnected gps, recycled power and data good.

However ID8 soon quit because battery voltage below 11.9 V (per JM).

Replaced aux battery w/ battery from main; now aux battery voltage = 13.5 V (perhaps 12.5 V was a typo).

Brought Mote ID3 and aux battery back to base

Highland, 15:54 MST

Soil mote battery voltage = 12.7 V.

Looking at data from motes:


showed continual reboot-like messages from the soil mote (ID22): "watchdog timer" and "sampling_mode=0", etc. No soil data. Yellow light was on solid.

Disconnected soil sensors and added them back sequentially. Data good until we connected Tsoil.

Replaced Tsoil w/ #0018 from Boulder (GM coated with fingernail polish in base).

Brought bad Tsoil back to base.

Soil motes at E Slope

When Gordon and Tom were at E Slope on Dec 1, the main soil mote was not reporting, but the aux mote was reporting.

Then around 15:52 (while we were there), the aux mote stopped and, around 16:02 the main mote started.

On Dec 2 around 05:37, the main mote restarted.

wifi changes

During the site visits of Nov 30, Dec 1 I changed all the wifi configurations at the sites so that the SSIDs are visible. According to a Cisco web site I read, a hidden SSID offers no real added security.

I couldn't get the KDE network manager on Fedora to connect to hidden SSIDs (so its a linux thing...)

river7 winds okay

It was obvious yesterday that river7's winds were completely different from the other sites.  Our internal checks showed that diag and sigma_w/u* from this site were okay and reasonable.  I show corroborating evidence below from the MesoWest network that gap flow does occur at this site.  The time series of the MesoWest Riverton site (hopefully not our data!) shows exactly the same behavior in wind speed that we observe.

Qsoil and Cvsoil

So far, I haven't noticed much correlation between Qsoil and the TP01-derived heat capacity, except for one event at hiland3.  Presumably, the soil is still "healing" from the probe installation.  I'm pretty sure that I didn't pack the soil around the probes to the density of the undisturbed soil.  However, there has been a fair amount of precip, both liquid and frozen, since installation, so they should have healed a bit.

Unfortunately, temperatures are now cold, so the soils are close to freezing.  Tsoils are now in the range 0--2, though none have gone to below 0 yet.  When they do, we should start seeing Qsoil values drop as the water becomes invisible to the EC-5 sensors.  I suggest using the Qsoil values just prior to this drop as the actual soil moisture amount for the rest of the experiment, assuming that water in the soil is immobile once frozen.  This would ignore any melted snow that might penetrate the soil.

TRH fan noisy at Playa

November 30: TRH fan noisy at Playa.

November 30, 2010

Site 2 (ABC): upper radiometers snow/ice covered; lower pyrgeometer has a little frost on it; cleaned

Site 3 (Highland): upper radiometers partially snow/ice covered; cleaned @ 11:20

Site 1 (Playa): Radiometers bare of snow

Site 7 (Riverton): Radiometers bare of snow

Site 5 (E slope): cleaned uplooking radiometers @ 14:53

Cleaned solar panels as needed at all these sites; mostly bare or a little snow/ice near the bottom

kh2o installation

Nov 30, 2010.  Visited several sites to install recalibrated kh2o's.

Site 2 (ABC) 1389 head bad; output ~30 mv.  Installed 1393 about 10:30; output ~2 V.

     twh (3/1/11): dat("w") shows mast down ~ 09:15 - 10:35; high-rate w suggests similar period

             (3/2/11): high-rate pressure data more clearly show mast down 09:16 - 10:36

Site 3 (Highland) Arrived ~ 11:15

                          1333 head  bad; output ~30 mv

                          1258 head bad; output ~20 mv

                          1390 head bad; output ~20 mv

                          1525 good!; output 2.2 V

Attached 1133 head to 1525 electronics and warmed head; still bad.

Reattached 1525 head; output 2.3 V.

Reattached 1525 head and left.

   twh (3/1/11): dat("w") suggests mast down ~ 11:25 -  12:35; high-rate w suggests similar period

          (3/2/11): high-rate pressure data clearly shows 11:25 - 12:36

Site 1 (Playa) Installed 1395 around 14:30.  Also tested 1394, which was good.

   twh (3/1/11): dat("w") suggests mast down ~ 14:10 - 14:35; high-rate data suggests 14:07 - 14:34

      (3/2/11): high-rate pressure data clearly show mast down 14:07 - 14:34

Site 7 (Riverton) Installed 1394 around 15:55; output ~2.3 V.

   twh (3/1/11): dat("w") suggests mast down ~ 15:45 - 16:05; high-rate w shows 15:47 - 16:03

           (3/2/11): high-rate data of T-tc also support 15:47 - 16:03; pressure is not clear

Dec 1, 2010:  Completed kh2o installation.

Cleaned 'bad' kh2o's by scrubbing with qtips and distilled water. 

1133 went from 30 mv to 2 V

1258 went from 14 mv to 2 V

1389 went from 23 mv to 2 V

1390 went from 11 mv to 1.7 V.  Designated as spare.

Site 4 (West Valley): 12:10 installed kh2o 1258; 2 V output

    twh (3/1/11): dat("w") suggests mast down ?~ 11:35 - 12:15; high-rate w shows 11:41 -  12:15

           (3/2/11): high-rate pressure data clearly indicate mast down 11:42 - 12:16

Site 6 (West Slope): 14:30 installed kh2o 1389; 2 V output

    twh (3/1/11): mast does not appear to have been lowered

Site 5 (East Slope): 15:50 installed kh2o 1133; 2 V output

   twh (3/1/11): dat("w") suggests mast down ?~ 15:30 - 15:50; high-rate w shows 15:31 - 15:55

          (3/2/11): high-rate data for T-tc and pressure support 15:31 - 15:55

Playa 1 Snow Removal

Solar Panels at Site 1 Playa cleared at 1pm MST. Snow covered bottom panel on older set, and 1/3 of lower panel on the newer set. Melting resulted in ice from melted snow forming on lower panels.

Panels at rad sawhorse, and both soil sensor panels were clear at visit.

Approximately 10-12 inches of snow observed at site. Snow damming observed at south facing solar panels, leading to deeper snowdrift at base of panel. Built up snow cleared away from base of panels. Snow is not expected before NCAR ISFS crew arrives.

Snow removal occurred concurrently with installation of UU Mini-SODAR approximately 200m away.

site 1

visited site one to determine why the  aux soil mote was down. found that Tsoil was dragging down the mote, so I disconnected Tsoil, and mote now seems to be OK although Qsoil is not reporting.

so...  Tsoil.aux and both Qsoils are no longer reporting at site 1 although both motes are OK

checked radiometer domes and all are clean