
November 3, ~13:30: TWH cleaned radiometers and Licors

On site: twh


Clear early, thin stratus at 11:00; light winds; temperature ~ 10 degC


M21 and M22 down since 18:19 Nov 2.  Recycled power on M21 around 10:15 Nov 3 and now running again.


Take ?photos

Daily Status, November 2

Daily status, November 2:


Overcast, clearing from west; breezy winds from the north around 4 m/s at 10 m; temperature around 10 degC.


All stations (DSMs) running.

No apparent sensor issues except for occasional CSAT diagbits (A19 particularly) and intermittent Qsoil.c (which is currently running).


Take photos of stations after lunch with Canon camera.

Start on CentNet radiometer and sonic intercomparison data analysis, which did not happen yesterday.

Photos of stations A1 - A7

November 1: took closeup and wide angle photos of stations A1 - A7 with my iPhone.

Cleaned radiometers

November 1, about 16:00: washed and waxed radiometers and leaf wetness sensor.

ldiag at station A17

I looked at the 5-minute averages of ldiag for the CSAT at station 17 back to Oct 25, 18:00 MDT.  (Recall that ldiag = 1 if any of the bits in the CSAT diagnostic word is non-zero.)  It appears to be independent of wind speed and to occur for winds from NW to N and occurs more frequently with increasing temperatures (above 7 degC).  (Note that temperature and wind direction are themselves uncorrelated).  However non-zero ldiag is very occasional and is never greater than a five-minute average of 0.003, so this does not appear to be a serious issue requiring replacement of the sonic.  

Here is the Splus output of hist(dat("ldiag")) for that period.  $breaks are the boundaries of each 'bar' or 'class' of the histogram and $counts are the number of occurrences in each class.  For example, there are 16 occurrences of the 5-minute average of ldiag falling between 0.0002 and 0.0004.   Note that one occurrence in a 5-minute average is 1/(300 sec*20 samples/sec) = 0.0001666..., so the first histogram class between 0 and 0.0002 includes both zero and 1 occurrence in 5 minutes.


 [1] 0.0000 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.0010 0.0012 0.0014 0.0016 0.0018

[11] 0.0020 0.0022 0.0024 0.0026 0.0028 0.0030


 [1] 1875   16    2   10    7    2    1    1    1    1    1    0    1    0    1

The frequency of occurrence of non-zero diagbits is 0.002% of the data, calculated as


after increasing the number of classes in the histogram from 15 to 100 to improve the accuracy.

Daily Status, November 1

On site: TWH

Weather at 0900

Thin overcast, light northerly winds, temperatures ~10C; low around 0C last night.


All stations (DSMs) up and reporting.

Diagbits @ station 17 currently ok.

Cockpit:  Spd.0.5m#0 has scale of 0-0.5m, while others are 0-20.

Cockpit:  Dir.1m#1, #15, #17 show some off scale data, which might be associated with current northerly winds.  Could we improve the wind direction plots to minimize 'wiping' for north winds?


Radiometer and sonic intercomparison analysis.

Waiting for Godot...

October 31, TWH and SRS:

The 10m kh2o on the main tower was outputting zero voltage.  We replaced it (1390) with 1393.  Note that we removed and lowered the boom to accomplish this swap, so the 10m sonic level may have changed.  The kh2o voltage was 0.1 V, so Steve cleaned it and the voltage went up to 1.2 V.  Steve also cleaned the 5m kh2o (1389) and the two Licors while we were at it (~15:30).

Station C20 communications

October 31, TWH and SRS

Cockpit showed station C20 as RIP.  Steve and I found the DSM running but neither Gordon or us could ping the etherant after we unplugged it from the DSM and plugged in back in again.  We discovered that the cable had been chewed near its low point between the DSM and the mast.  We could not find a spare, so Steve will repair the broken leads.

16:30:  Steve found two places where the cable was chewed.  He clipped out this section of cable and spliced the two clean ends together.  We installed the repaired cable and staked it off the ground.  Gordon was able to ping and log into C20, but was puzzled that he could not ping the etherant.

Nov 2, Gordon

Discovered that "flux" was running the dhcpd service. Sheesh... I thought I had turned it off, but it must have been re-enabled as part of the system rebuild.

dhcpd on flux was giving address to 00:20:f6:05:1e:d5, which is pingable. This explains why it didn't respond to

It was also giving out these addresses for the OSU webcam and Sodar:

Nov  2 01:01:17 flux dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:30:f4:d0:a1:ed via p5p1
Nov  2 10:01:42 flux dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:50:b6:0b:f5:19 (sodar-47) via p5p1
Nov  2 10:01:43 flux dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:50:b6:0b:f5:19 (sodar-47) via p5p1

dhcpd has been disabled on flux, and so these systems should receive their old addresses on the next renew.


Clear skies and light winds. Temperatures are 5C.


Qsoilc went down again. Steve O. believes it is a temperature related problem. Vdsm6 still down.

Tom is coming up today so we should get the 10m krypton repaired. It appears the 10m sonic on the

main tower knew we were going to pay a visit because it has been acting up throughout the night. The

daig has favored a value of 15 verses 0. Since this based on the background it is hard to say if it was continuous through

the night or just a short occurrence. According to Gordon's notes this means a skipped sampled.

Changed the pocketec this morning.


At about 7:45am the 10m sonic on main started behaving. Maybe some spider was building a web.

Will investigate when we replace the krpyton.

Here is an update from Gordon on the 10m sonic activity:    There are a bunch of 4's and 8's around 00:24 UTC (18:24 MDT). Then it
was OK, until 13:14 UTC (07:14) when it started having lots of problems.
 (bird poop?)

Afternoon: Site C had gone down. Gordon was able to ping the etherant but no further.


kh2o.10m ok, station C20 ok.

Vdsm is RIP for stations 1, 2, 6..

Sonic at 17.1m has been intermittently setting diagabits = 4.

Qsoil.c is okay at the moment.


Clear skies this morning with light winds. Higher winds last night.


Some activity last night on the sonic diag flags on site 17 and 19. Vdsm6 and krypton@10m down.


Qsoilc backup

Qsoilc came back to life on it own late this morning. It is still running.


Partly cloudy, light winds last night, temperatures in the single digits.


Overall things looking very good. The Vdsm6 will be down until we replace the mote. Qsoilc is still intermittent. The 10m

krypton will require a tower climb. This will take place possible tomorrow when another person is up here.


Qsoilc: tried moving the DIN connection of the bad Qsoil but it did not make a difference.

Qsoil.c at 11 running

Played around with the cactus soil sensors. Can not say for sure what got the sensor running again. Either disconnecting cables

or pushing the scanII2C button. It has been running for the last few hours.

Tower Guywire Tension

Checked out the tower guywire tensions this afternoon. Inner giuys are around 250. All others above 350.

Information entered in the Main Tower Tension entry.