
Set Up 19 Dec 21


Foggy morning, clear and cold all day.


  • Completed punchlist items at DCS site
  • Instrumented and fenced PRS tower

Tomorrow will be final dressing and tower erection at the supersites.

Set Up 18 Dec 21


Foggy morning followed by a clear, calm, and cold day.


  • Continued straightening up the base trailer and transferring items to storage
  • Prepped booms for install at PRS
  • Installed CS125 at MW, completed punchlist items. 
  • Replaced both TRHs at Pine Canyon
  • Replaced 0.5m TRH at Upper Provo

See Sites, Stations List for updated punchlist by site.

Set up 16 Dec

Dan, Tony, Chris took the day off.  Steve and Gary visited DCS for a couple of hours in the morning.  Then we were in meetings...


  • Attached rad logger cable, but didn't work.  2 days earlier, I saw -5V on the logger's pin2 of the D9, but I didn't see this at the DSM end on the Bulgin (on any pin).  I <could> see -5V on pin3 of the D9 from the DSM.  Has to be something simple.  I also am not sure of the baud rate or the data rate (1/min?), but using minicom I didn't even see garbage after 2min.
  • Installed batteries and power board in the job box.
  • Powered up all of the DSMs (though not together due to power cabling).  The only issue was the fan not working on TRH.1m.
  • Gary reconfigured the modems and we set "rfkill unblock wifi" on each DSM, so both cell and wifi connections should work.
  • Found that the V2.7 mote connected to the Rsw's had its power switch off, so turned it on.  Also saw that the data output was in "ascii-ish" with mp=1.  Changed to mp=0 (the standard Wisard format)
Starting to look at data

With most of the satellite sites reporting, started looking at a few variables:

  • T has been below freezing most of the time, with a low at CC of -22C earlier in the week
  • RH has been near 100% a lot recently with snow.  Note several sites reporting RH a bit over 100%, which is not unusual for us.  I haven't worked out if this would be due to RH with respect to ice...
  • Maximum speeds were 10m/s last week, though often below 1 m/s.
  • Pressures track each other and are in the correct order with station height.  The topography in this valley is somewhat deceptive:  From high elevation to low, the order is LC, CC, DC, PC, MH, UP, PRS, MW, SH, DCS.
  • Rsw.out is at least 50% of this week, and sometimes much higher.  A good indication of snow on the ground!
  • ldiag often is close to 1 for some sensors.  This would indicate that heating/Teflon tape isn't completely effective.  We'll have to check/work on this. is always 1 (not working).
Set Up 17 Dec 21


Chilly throughout the day with occasionally snow showers.


  • Established a plan for the last of the install
  • Started straightening up the base trailer
  • Installed CS125 and snow depth at Soldier Hollow, completed punchlist items. 
  • Installed CS125 and snow depth at South Pivot, completed items and discovered new ones
  • Installed snow depth at Center Creek, completed items and discovered new ones

See Sites, Stations List for updated punchlist by site.

Set up 15 Dec

4" of snow did come overnight, but not really an issue for site access.

Tomorrow Steve leaves and the rest of the crew takes a hard-earned down day!

UP: Set up

PC: Set up

This completes the basic set-up of satellite sites, though there still is a punch list of items (such as added snow depth and CS125 sensors).  The only remaining sensors to deploy are on the TT at PRS.

Gary did a (manual) round of update to most, if not all, satellite sites.  Supersites have not been updated since they do not yet have power set up.

Set up 14 Dec

Another flurry of activity since this was Sebastian's last day and a rain/snowstorm is expected tonight:


  • <Almost> finished radiometer installation and associated wiring
  • Installed all sensors on the TT
  • Fenced in the TT to secure the sensors
  • Power company installed a transformer and wired it to panel, but still waiting for tree trimming and a meter (expected Thurs)

LC: Completed installation.  Neighbor says he'll provide power at the fenceline in the "next day or so"

Prepped for the final 2 satellite installations (UP and PC)

Set up 13 Dec

Said goodbye to the ISS team, who are essentially done with set up.  Now onsite is Gary, Steve, Dan, Chris, Tony.

Temperatures were above freezing some of the day, so things started becoming muddy.

Split into 2 teams.

  • Tony/Chris (and some of Dan) finished (question) install of MW, including user sensors and power connection.
  • Steve/Dan (and some of Sebastian) mostly finished the surface installation at PRS, including:
    • getting power going
    • installing Sebastian's ceilometer and webcam
    • preparing radiometer stands and placing them into position for the intercomparison
    • mostly instrumenting the Rohn tower (still needs 1m TRH and replacement of a broken pressure tube)
  • In addition, Sebastian/Eric/Alexei reported that they positioned at least one darkhorse at DCS

We're getting there, but a lot of busy work to do things right!

Set up 12 Dec

Somewhat warmer, Sebastian and Eric came out

DCS work:

  • Finished all fencing work (except on the TT itself)
  • Installed soil sensors
  • Did half of the set up of our darkhorse
  • Sebastian finished(?) work on the intercomparison darkhorse
  • TODOS:
    • add NR01 & wetness to darkhorse
    • move darkhorses to final positions
    • connect all power and heater cables

PRS work:

  • Finished all fencing work (except on the TT itself)
  • Did half of the set up of our darkhorse (still need to add NR01 & wetness)
  • Did most of the set up of intercomparison darkhorse, with Sebastian's "paddles"
  • Erected Rohn tower and hung sonics
  • TODOS:
    • add NR01 & wetness to darkhorse
    • install soils
    • finish Rohn sensor installation
    • install OTT
    • move darkhorses to final positions
    • connect all power and heater cables

At some point, will need to do a lot of documentation of sensor serial numbers!

Set up 11 Dec

All work at DCS:

  • Almost completed fence work
  • Sebastian worked on setting up the radiometer intercomparison
  • Rohn tower and Ott installation completed (sensors and cabling)
  • Worked a bit on the Darkhorse (DCSG)
  • Prepped radiometers in base

Still to do at DCS:

  • Install soils
  • Install PSPs
  • Install NR01 & wetness
  • Cable up DCSG sensors and motes (yes, 2)
  • Almost everything sensor/cabling/power related on the TT itself

Also scheduled to work through the PRS radiometer stuff with Sebastian tomorrow.

Set up 10 Dec

A cold day – mostly in the teens.  Nevertheless:

  • Installed 4-strand barb wire at the DCS tower: placed big infrastructure (rad stands and Rohn tower) inside before fence was closed.  Still need to build the gate (and connect strands to Tposts?)
  • Erected Rohn tower at DCS and placed several sensor clamps
  • Found that LC neighbor has installed outside power outlets, so it should be possible to get power there
  • Checked on CC.  Closed DSM door and rebooted.  Now on the net, but for how long???

dc was on the net, so I tested out the deicing control script. Seems to be working, and even found conditions (ldiag nonzero and temp below 1º) that trigger deicing. I installed it in the crontab to check conditions and run if needed every hour. There's a log of the relay on/off state in CFACT/ISFS/logs/csat_heat.log, and there's a nidas watched file sensor for it that will record the heater state (sample id 6).

I'll check tomorrow to see how it does running overnight.

Set up 9 Dec

A slower day, partly due to a long day yesterday and snow coming down today.

  • Wired UU snow sensors and CS125s to connect to our DSM
  • Learned that power had been connected at DC, so finished installation, adding snow depth and visibility sensors
  • Finished adding brackets to PRS
  • Organization of base, Penske, and storage
Set Up 8 Dec

Spent the day on the supersites, both to prepare for snow/cold tomorrow and to secure the sites against cows:


  • Drilled and set corner posts and T posts at TT site and 2 scintillometer sites.
  • Set TT boom clamps (except one) and added top Rohn section.  A bit involved since a) we were missing a bunch of nuts&bolts b) I had mistakenly had the TRH and Rad booms interfering with each other c) I also had forgotten that the bottom TT section needs a slotted clamp.  Found that Sebastian's booms will work fine.


  • Drilled and set corner posts
  • The same setting of TT clamps.  This tower is complete now.
  • Found the remains of the pre-installed heat flux plate


  • Porta potty is installed
  • ISS lidar is installed

If anyone finds a Best Western room keycard at the sites, it (was) mine!

Set up 7 Dec
  • Set up Soldier Hollow (SH), running power from the pumphouse.
  • Roughly laid out PRS, while dealing with cows.  There seems to be a 1m-diameter crater where the soils once were!
  • Rolled out power cable and placed transformer at DCS.  Didn't plug in or test yet.
  • Decided on a strategy for the radiometer comparison.  At DCS, we'll use Sebastian's darkhorse for the Rlw comparison, mounting our CVF4 ventillators on one of his plates.  Our darkhorse will be deployed with just our Rsw.  When we redeploy to the operational configuration, we'll move our CVF4s to our "schwartzenegger"s on our darkhorse, move his CVF3s to his "paddles", mount the paddles using his booms on the TT and using our old Rohn clamps on a separate 5' Rohn tower, and remove Sebastian's darkhorse.  At PRS, we'll do essentially the same, though the CVF3s will be mounted to Sebastian's darkhorse using the same paddles as in the operational array.
  • Planned creation of a fence, since we can't do much more installation at either supersite without one while the cows are present.
  • Took delivery of 5x UU CS125s.  We now have these and the UU HRXLs to modify as an indoor activity during the next bad-weather day.
  • Tomorrow I plan to work on the TT upper instrumentation while the fence work is going on.