
The Confluence wiki has an Office Excel macro that enables you to attach a spreadsheet to a wiki page and then show a specified worksheet and region of the Excel file on the page. To do this:

  1. add a page to your wiki using the Add menu
  2. save the page
  3. add an attachment to that page via the Add menu
  4. click the Insert/Edit Macro icon in the toolbar 
  5. Type "excel" into the search box of the Select Macro window and press enter
  6. Click the Office Excel item
  7. You'll see a dialog box come up (see screenshot in the right column). Select the spreadsheet you attached from the File Name popup menu
  8. Optionally, if you'd like to show a specific worksheet or row/column range, specify those values in the provided fields
  9. Click Insert and then save your page

The macro editor will write the wiki markup for you which will look something like:


Tip: If you ever need to revise your spreadsheet, simply revise it and upload it to the wiki page using the same filename as before. The wiki will save the previous version of the file and use the new one to render the spreadsheet contents on the page.

Note: The Office Excel macro does not support Excel 95 format and earlier. If you attach a spreadsheet and it's contents don't display, open it with Excel and confirm that it is saved in a format later than that such as Excel 97-2004 or the current xlsx format.

Example of an Embedded Spreadsheet



The {pagetree} macro is a handy hierarchical browser of all the pages in your wiki. It's a great way to provide an interactive table of contents. By default it presents a view of all the child pages of your home page. Clicking the plus sign next to an item expands it to show its children without leaving the page you're on. Just click a title to go to the page.

There is also an option in the macro for expanding or collapsing all children.

Using the Macro

To use the macro, edit a page and select the wiki markup tab. You can simply paste the {pagetree} macro anywhere in the page where you want the page browser to appear. The macro takes several parameters outlined below. The root parameter sets the root at the specified page. You can substitute a page name for @self here if you want. If you don't specify a root, it sets the home page as root by default. In addition, the expandCollapseAll parameter provides expand/collapse all links which are handy.


Screenshot of rendered {pagetree} macro

Macro parameters

Here are all the macro parameters you can control:

  • root: - (optional) page where the tree would be rooted from. Meta root names @self, @parent, @home can also be used.
  • sort: - (optional) sorts the tree node. It my be one of the following: bitwise, creation, modified, natural, position. Default sorting is position
  • excerpt: - (optional) true/false flag that indicate if a page excerpt would be included in the tree display (default is false).
  • reverse: - (optional) true/false flag that allows you to reverse the order of the display (default is false).
  • searchBox: - (optional) true/false flag that allows you to add a search box in the tree that would search from the root page (default is false).
  • expandCollapseAll: - (optional) true/false flag that allows you to add an expand all and a collapse all row (default is false).
  • startDepth: - (optional) a number that indicates the initial depth that the tree would display (default value is 1).

Related Documentation

For more detailed documentation, see the official Pagetree Macro Docs.

Related macros

  • {children}